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Number of items: 625.

Pál, Lénárd (1963) Determination of the prompt neutron period from the fluctuations of the number of neutrons in a reactor. KFKI Reports (63-02). MTA KFKI.

Szeghő, L. and Vértes, Péter (1963) Calculation of neutron thermalization by Laguerre polynomials approximation. KFKI Reports (63-03). MTA KFKI.

Vértes, Péter (1963) Some problems concerning the theory of pulsed neutron experiments. KFKI Reports (63-04). MTA KFKI.

Máthé, Gy.I. and Rétvári, L. and Sélley, G. and Sass, T. and Bollók, L. (1963) Organic in-pile-loop experiment. KFKI Reports (63-05). MTA KFKI.

Németh, A. and Tóth, M. (1963) Izmerenije radioaktivnykh vybrosov v ventiljacionnoj trube reaktora VVR-S. KFKI Reports (63-08). MTA KFKI.

Szentgyörgyi, I. (1963) Vozmozhnosti uvelichenija mosshnosti ehksperimental'nogo jadernogo reaktora na 2 Mvt tila VVR-S. KFKI Reports (63-09). MTA KFKI.

Pál, Lénárd and Turi, László and Vigassy, József (1963) Experimental determination of the ratio ... on the ZR-1 critical assembly. KFKI Reports (63-11). MTA KFKI.

Bod, László and Kisdiné Koszó, Éva and Pál, Lénárd and Szatmáry, Zoltán and Vizi, I. (1963) Energy dependence of the total neutron cross section of hydrogen bound in several organic molecules. KFKI Reports (63-12). MTA KFKI.

Berkes, I. and Demeter, István and Dézsi, István and Fodor, Ilona and Keszthelyi, Lajos (1963) Investigations on gamma-transitions in the (2sld) shell. KFKI Reports (63-15). MTA KFKI.

Borbély, Imre and Dolinszky, Tamás and Hrehuss, Gyula and Zsoldos, S. (1963) 2,6 MeV neutron-induced reactions in CsI. KFKI Reports (63-24). MTA KFKI.

Sólyom, Jenő (1965) On the theory of second-order phase transitions. KFKI Reports (65-07). MTA KFKI.

Krén, Emil and Kádár, G. and Pál, Lénárd and Szabó, P. (1966) Investigation of the first-order magnetic transformation in Mn3Pt. KFKI Reports (66-13). MTA KFKI.

Sólyom, Jenő and Zawadowski, Alfréd (1966) On the theory of anomalous tunneling due to paramagnetic impurities. KFKI Reports (66-14). MTA KFKI.

Farkas, Győző and Náray, Zsolt and Varga, Péter (1966) Dependence of non-classical electron emission from metals on the direction of polarization of laser beams. KFKI Reports (66-16). MTA KFKI.

Sólyom, Jenő and Zawadowski, Alfréd (1966) New type of anomaly in the electron-electron interaction induced by paramagnetic impurities and its effect in superconducting alloys. KFKI Reports (66-17). MTA KFKI.

Ördögh, Mária and Miriszlai, E. (1967) Determination of sodium and potassium by neutron activation analysis for the investigation of the electrolyte-balance of the inner ear. KFKI Reports (67-06). MTA KFKI.

Krén, Emil and Kádár, György and Tarnóczi, Tivadar (1967) Atomic and magnetic order in Mn(2)Pd(3). KFKI Reports (67-07). MTA KFKI.

Gordon, J. and Pellionisz, Péter and Vizi, I. and Zsigmond, G. (1967) A single crystal slow neutron spectrometer at the pulsed reactor in Dubna. KFKI Reports (67-08). MTA KFKI.

Pál, Lénárd and Krén, Emil and Kádár, G. and Szabó, P. and Tarnóczi, Tivadar (1967) Magnetic structures and phase transformations in Mn-based CuAu-I type alloys. KFKI Reports (67-12). MTA KFKI.

Krén, Emil and Szabó, P. and Pál, Lénárd and Tarnóczi, Tivadar and Kádár, G. and Hargitai, Csaba (1967) X-ray and susceptibility study of the first-order magnetic transformation in Mn3Pt. KFKI Reports (67-13). MTA KFKI.

Farkas, Győző and Kertész, Iván and Náray, Zsolt and Varga, Péter (1967) On the laser-induced non-linear photoelectric effect in metals. KFKI Reports (67-14). MTA KFKI.

Zawadowski, Alfréd (1967) General theory of tunneling in oxide diodes. KFKI Reports (67-15). MTA KFKI.

Kroó, Norbert and Pál, Lénárd (1967) Inelastic scattering of neutrons by virtual magnon states in dilute alloys. KFKI Reports (67-17). MTA KFKI.

Sólyom, Jenő and Zawadowski, Alfréd (1967) Theory of zero bias anomalies due to paramagnetic impurities. KFKI Reports (67-18). MTA KFKI.

Frankl, László and Gácsi, Lajos and Szaklajda, László (1967) A VVR-Sz reaktor rekonstrukciójával kapcsolatos zéró-teljesítményű kisérletek a ZR-3 kritikus rendszeren. KFKI Reports (67-19). MTA KFKI.

Gordon, J. and Kroó, Norbert and Orbán, G. and Pál, Lénárd and Pellionisz, Péter and Szlávik, Ferenc (1967) Correlation type time-of-flight spectrometer with magnetically pulsed polarized neutrons. KFKI Reports (67-20). MTA KFKI.

Domokos, Gábor and Surányi, Péter (1968) Who is afraid of W? KFKI Reports (68-01). MTA KFKI.

Krén, Emil and Kádár, G. and Pál, Lénárd and Sólyom, Jenő and Szabó, P. and Tarnóczi, Tivadar (1968) Magnetic structures and exchange interactions in the Mn-Pt system. KFKI Reports (68-02). MTA KFKI.

Domokos, Gábor and Surányi, Péter (1968) Families of regge-trajectories at nonvanishing energy I. KFKI Reports (68-03). MTA KFKI.

Domokos, Gábor and Kövesi-Domokos, S. and Surányi, Péter (1968) Mass formula in broken SL (2,C) and its application to the nucleon and delta regge trajectories. KFKI Reports (68-05). MTA KFKI.

Perjés, Zoltán (1968) Some properties of cylindrical electrovac fields. KFKI Reports (68-06). MTA KFKI.

Gordon, J. and Kisdiné Koszó, Éva and Pál, Lénárd and Vizi, I. (1968) Neutron scattering investigations of the dynamics of critical state in iron. KFKI Reports (68-08). MTA KFKI.

Perjés, Zoltán (1968) A method for constructing certain axially symmetrical Einstein-Maxwell fields. KFKI Reports (68-09). MTA KFKI.

Bata, Lajos and Kroó, Norbert (1968) Investigation of the dynamical properties of liquid-gas systems by coherent cold neutron scattering near the critical point. KFKI Reports (68-10). MTA KFKI.

Keszthelyi, Lajos and Demeter, István and Dézsi, István and Varga, László (1968) g-factor of the 656 keV state in 110Cd. KFKI Reports (68-11). MTA KFKI.

Békés, E. (1968) Personal fast neutron monitoring by use of Kodak NTA films. KFKI Reports (68-12). MTA KFKI.

Domokos, Gábor (1968) Little groups, analyticity and families of regge trajectories. KFKI Reports (68-13). MTA KFKI.

Vértes, Péter (1968) Code for the calculation of multigroup constants from a 26-group system of micro-cross-sections. KFKI Reports (68-14). MTA KFKI.

Tompa, Kálmán and Tóth, T. and Nagy, Elemér (1968) 63Cu NMR in elastically deformed copper foils. KFKI Reports (68-16). MTA KFKI.

Surányi, Péter (1968) Extension of the sl(2,c) symmetry. KFKI Reports (68-17). MTA KFKI.

Sebestyén, Ákos and Szegő, Károly and Tóth, Kálmán (1968) An introducion into the higher symmetries of regge-poles. KFKI Reports (68-18). MTA KFKI.

Szegő, Károly and Tóth, Kálmán (1968) π-N [pi-N] resonance widths in the broken Sl 2,C model. KFKI Reports (68-21). MTA KFKI.

Bozóki, György and Fenyves, Ervin and Gémesy, Tibor and Gombosi, Éva and Krasznovszky, Sándor and Nagy, Elemér (1968) On the 1350 MeV λγ [lamdba gamma] peak produced in π-p [pi-p] interaction. KFKI Reports (68-22). MTA KFKI.

Perjés, Zoltán (1968) 3-dimensional "relativity" for axisymmetric stationary space-times. KFKI Reports (68-23). MTA KFKI.

Zawadowski, Alfréd and Sólyom, Jenő (1968) Some new effects in zero bias anomalies caused by paramagnetic impurities. KFKI Reports (68-24). MTA KFKI.

Keszthelyi, Lajos (1968) Measurement of the internal magnetic field by perturbed angular correlation methods. KFKI Reports (68-25). MTA KFKI.

Bozóki, György and Gombosi, Éva and Surányi, György (1968) On the azimuthal effects of two prong πN [piN] and three prong DD events producted by 17,2 GeV/cπ-mesons [cpi-mesons]. KFKI Reports (68-26). MTA KFKI.

Jánosi, András and Grüner, György and Tompa, Kálmán (1968) PMR studies of frozen aqueous FeCl2 solutions. KFKI Reports (68-30). MTA KFKI.

Sebestyén, Ákos (1968) On a symmetry of the Dirac equation. KFKI Reports (68-31). MTA KFKI.

Fazekas, Patrik and Zawadowski, Alfréd (1968) The role of many-particle intermediate states in the formation of the Abrisokov-Suhl resonance. KFKI Reports (68-32). MTA KFKI.

Zawadowski, Alfréd and Fazekas, Patrik (1968) Dynamics of impurity spin above the Kondo temperature. KFKI Reports (68-33). MTA KFKI.

Mezei, Ferenc (1969) New experiments on giant zero bias tunneling anomaly: effect of impurity distribution. KFKI Reports (69-01). MTA KFKI.

Frenkel, Andor and Marx, György (1969) Millistrong C violation and η [nű] decay. KFKI Reports (69-02). MTA KFKI.

Varga, László and Demeter, István and Keszthelyi, Lajos and Pócs, L. and Szőkefalvi-Nagy, Zoltán (1969) Anomalous hyperfine field at recoiled Rh nuclei of low energy in Fe51.5 Rh48.5 alloy. KFKI Reports (69-03). MTA KFKI.

Pál, Lénárd (1969) First-order magnetic phase transitions. KFKI Reports (69-04). MTA KFKI.

Szabó, Zoltán and Dékány, I. (1969) Pulsed neutron generator for reactor physics (NIG-200). KFKI Reports (69-05). MTA KFKI.

Sólyom, Jenő and Zawadowski, Alfréd (1969) Theory of electron-electron interaction and superconductivity in dilute magnetic alloys above the Kondo temperature. KFKI Reports (69-06). MTA KFKI.

Zawadowski, Alfréd and Fazekas, Patrik (1969) Dynamics of impurity spin above the Kondo temperature I. KFKI Reports (69-07). MTA KFKI.

Varga, László (1969) Ion optics of a homogeneous accelarator tube with quadratic entrance. KFKI Reports (69-08). MTA KFKI.

Tompa, Kálmán (1969) Oscilliation of conduction electron density near the solute atoms in dilute Cu-Mn alloy. KFKI Reports (69-09). MTA KFKI.

Hrehuss, Gyula and Czibók, Tamás (1969) Charge-state oscillations in neutron-proton scattering. KFKI Reports (69-10). MTA KFKI.

Tóth, Ferenc and Tompa, Kálmán (1969) Lock-in amplifier for NMR signal detection. KFKI Reports (69-11). MTA KFKI.

Szegő, Károly and Tóth, Kálmán (1969) On the introduction of Lorentz poles into the unequal-mass scattering amplitude. KFKI Reports (69-12). MTA KFKI.

Gémesy, Tibor and Surányi, György (1969) A remark on the observation of S meson. KFKI Reports (69-13). MTA KFKI.

Tompa, Kálmán and Grüner, György and Jánosi, András and Tóth, Ferenc (1969) First order quadrupole effect in dilute copper-based Cu-Zn alloys. KFKI Reports (69-14). MTA KFKI.

Jánosi, András and Grüner, György (1969) Origin of the NMR "satellite" in AlMn alloys. KFKI Reports (69-17). MTA KFKI.

Czibók, Tamás (1969) A survey of the angular distribution data on n-p scattering below 10 MeV. KFKI Reports (69-19). MTA KFKI.

Hargitai, Csaba and Corradi, Gábor (1969) The contribution to the electronic specific heat due to nearly magnetic impurities. KFKI Reports (69-20). MTA KFKI.

Zawadowski, Alfréd and Mezei, Ferenc (1969) Change in the electron density of states due to Kondo scattering I. KFKI Reports (69-21). MTA KFKI.

Frenkel, Andor and Vesztergombi, György and Marx, György (1969) C violation in η [nű] decay? KFKI Reports (69-22). MTA KFKI.

Gellai, Borbála (1969) On hypermatrices with blocks commutable in pairs in the theory of molecular vibrations. KFKI Reports (69-24). MTA KFKI.

Bozóki, György (1969) Determination of the Ks decay branching ratio. KFKI Reports (69-25). MTA KFKI.

Kóta, József and Somogyi, Antal and Válas, György and Varga, András (1969) Investigation of the 27 day periodicity of the cosmic ray intensity 40 m. w. e. underground. KFKI Reports (69-26). MTA KFKI.

Betev, B. and Bogdanova, N. and Stanev, T. and Válas, György (1969) The density spectrum of the penetrating component of the extensive air showers. KFKI Reports (69-27). MTA KFKI.

Cser, László and Gladkih, Irina (1969) Numerical calculations for the evaluation of Mössbauer spectra. KFKI Reports (69-29). MTA KFKI.

Pálmai, I. and Hubert, B. (1969) A novel measuring unit with integrated circuits for time distribution measurements in reactor physics. KFKI Reports (69-31). MTA KFKI.

Szegő, Károly and Tóth, Kálmán (1969) On the introduction of Lorentz poles into the unequal-mass scattering amplitude. KFKI Reports (69-33). MTA KFKI.

Nagy, Á.Z. and Vértes, Péter and Végh, Endre and Kósa, F. (1969) On the theory and practice of density correction concerning neutron moisture measurement. KFKI Reports (69-34). MTA KFKI.

Nagy, I. and Pál, Lénárd (1970) Electrical resistivity and thermoelectric power of Ni near the Curie point. KFKI Reports (70-01). MTA KFKI.

Mezei, Ferenc and Zawadowski, Alfréd (1970) Change in the electron density of states due to Kondo scattering II. KFKI Reports (70-02). MTA KFKI.

Brovman, E.G. and Solt, György (1970) Role of three-body forces in the dynamical properties of white tin. KFKI Reports (70-03). MTA KFKI.

Nagy, Elemér and Telbisz, Ferenc and Vesztergombi, György (1970) A method for determination of neutral decay points without track reconstruction in space. KFKI Reports (70-08/). MTA KFKI.

Németh, Géza and Gellai, Borbála and Jancsó, Gábor (1970) Application of the minimax approximation to the reduced partition function of isotopic molecules. KFKI Reports (70-15 ). MTA KFKI.

Frenkel, Andor (1970) Introduction to the current-current theory of the weak interaction. KFKI Reports (70-24/). MTA KFKI.

Kóta, József and Perjés, Zoltán (1970) All stationary vacuum metrics with shearing geodesic eigenrays. KFKI Reports (70-30/). MTA KFKI.

Tompa, Kálmán (1970) Oscillation of conduction electron density near the solute atoms in dilute Cu-Mn alloy. KFKI Reports (70-31 ). MTA KFKI.

Szabados, László and Tóth, Iván (1970) FOURIER-I, a computer program for fuel element thermal design. KFKI Reports (70-32/). MTA KFKI.

Kovács, László M. (1970) HECTIC-II, computer program for heat transfer analysis of gas or liquid cooled reactors. KFKI Reports (70-33/). MTA KFKI.

Sebestyén, Ákos (1970) On the geodesics of certain symmetric spaces. KFKI Reports (70-36/). MTA KFKI.

Vértes, Péter (1970) Calculation of multigroup spectra of neutrons transmitted through multilayer shielding. KFKI Reports (70-37/). MTA KFKI.

Fehér, István and Andrási, Andor and Makra, Zsigmond (1970) Ten years of the Health Physics Department of the Central Research Institute for Physics. KFKI Reports (70-38/). MTA KFKI.

Tompa, Kálmán (1971) The asymptotic region of the charge density oscillation around impurities in dilute copper-based alloys. KFKI Reports (71-01). MTA KFKI.

Perjés, Zoltán (1971) General relativity in spinorial form and Petrov types. KFKI Reports (71-03). MTA KFKI.

Vértes, Péter (1971) Prodgroup - a program for the production of multigroup reactor constants from the evaluated nuclear data available at IAEA. KFKI Reports (71-04). MTA KFKI.

Grüner, György and Kovács-Csetényi, E. and Tompa, Kálmán and Vassel, C.R. (1971) 27Al NMR spectra in Al-3d transition metal alloys. KFKI Reports (71-05). MTA KFKI.

Gellai, Borbála (1971) Polinomok gyökeinek meghatározása. KFKI Reports (71-06). MTA KFKI.

Kötél, Gyula (1971) Eljárások egy- és többváltozós függvények közelítő integrálására. KFKI Reports (71-07). MTA KFKI.

Jéki, László (1971) Phenomenological formula for (n,2n), (p,2n) and (p,3n) reaction cross-sections. KFKI Reports (71-08). MTA KFKI.

Jéki, László and Kluge, Gyula and Lajtai, Albert (1971) Survey of measurements of the fission neutron spectrum of 252Cf. KFKI Reports (71-09). MTA KFKI.

Kósa Somogyi, István (1971) Electrical conductivity of irradiated dielectric organic liquids and glasses. KFKI Reports (71-11). MTA KFKI.

Kardon, Béla and Kiss, Dezső and Seres, Zoltán (1971) Gamma-gamma angular correlation measurements in the 59Co /n,γ/ [n,gamma] 60Co reaction. KFKI Reports (71-14). MTA KFKI.

Jávor, András and Csákány, Antal (1971) Some achievements in the investigation of data transmission networks by using a flexible simulation system. KFKI Reports (71-19). MTA KFKI.

Kules, Inna and Schiller, Róbert (1971) The kinetics of OH radical reactions in irradiated ordinary and supercooled water. KFKI Reports (71-21). MTA KFKI.

Fischer, Ádám and Turi, László (1971) RFSP: Programma dlja opredelenija spektra nejtronov iz aktivacionnykh dannykh. KFKI Reports (71-22). MTA KFKI.

Roder, Magda (1971) On the radiolysis of hydrocarbon mixtures. KFKI Reports (71-23). MTA KFKI.

Balog, János and Tóth, László and Pintér, Katalin (1971) Ionic processes in γ [gamma] -irradiated 3- methylhexane. KFKI Reports (71-24). MTA KFKI.

Kósa Somogyi, István and Tóth, László and Balog, János (1971) Electrical conductivity of irradiated insulating organic liquids and glasses. KFKI Reports (71-25). MTA KFKI.

Nagy, Árpád Zoltán and Csőke, Antal and Szabó, Elek and Vorsatz, Brunó and Cseh, S. and Saly, S. (1971) A method for the determination of additive elements in sintered tungsten metal rods by fast neutron activation analysis. KFKI Reports (71-26). MTA KFKI.

Hraskó, Péter (1971) Self-consistent charge exchange potential. KFKI Reports (71-27). MTA KFKI.

Dézsi, István (1971) Mössbauer studies in developing countries. KFKI Reports (71-28). MTA KFKI.

Tóth, Ferenc I. and Tompa, Kálmán and Grüner, György (1971) Frequency modulated NMR spectrometer for measurement of internal magnetic fields. KFKI Reports (71-29). MTA KFKI.

Jánossy, András and Grüner, György (1971) Satellite structure due to charge perturbation around a nearly magnetic impurity. KFKI Reports (71-30). MTA KFKI.

Grüner, György and Tompa, Kálmán and Vassel, C.R. (1971) NMR study of metallurgical effects in dilute AlFe alloys. KFKI Reports (71-32). MTA KFKI.

Hasenfratz, Péter (1971) Construction of the effective Lagrangian of pionic processes for arbitrary SU(2)xSU(2) breaking. KFKI Reports (71-33). MTA KFKI.

Serfőző, Gusztáv and Gróz, Péter (1971) NMR studies on KNiF3 and RbFeF3. KFKI Reports (71-34). MTA KFKI.

Jéki, László and Kluge, Gyula and Lajtai, Albert (1971) Remarks on the existence of retarded neutrons in fission. KFKI Reports (71-35). MTA KFKI.

Serfőző, Gusztáv and Várhegyi, Győző and Tompa, Kálmán (1971) Timföldhidrátok vizsgálata magmáneses rezonancia módszerrel. KFKI Reports (71-36). MTA KFKI.

Szegő, Károly (1971) On the use of negative time-like states. KFKI Reports (71-39). MTA KFKI.

Bánáti, Károly and Németh, Sándor (1971) Optima 528 típusú szervezőautomata átállítása. KFKI Reports (71-40). MTA KFKI.

Grüner, György and Vincze, Imre (1971) Hyperfine field distribution and average hyperfine field in dilute Fe-Co alloys. KFKI Reports (71-41). MTA KFKI.

Pellionisz, Péter (1971) A new equipment for measuring stochastic processes: statistical analyzer. KFKI Reports (71-42). MTA KFKI.

Vincze, Imre (1971) Average magnetization of Fe-Al alloys. KFKI Reports (71-43). MTA KFKI.

Kroó, Norbert and Pellionisz, Péter (1971) Correlation technique at pulsed neutron sources. KFKI Reports (71-45). MTA KFKI.

Kardon, Béla and Manuaba, Asrama and Gróz, Péter (1971) Thermal neutron capture gamma-ray studies of natural xenon. KFKI Reports (71-46). MTA KFKI.

Pásztor, Endre (1971) The new 5 MeV Van De Graaff ion accelerator at the Central Research Institute for Physics of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest. KFKI Reports (71-47). MTA KFKI.

Grüner, György and Paton, B.E. (1971) LSF effects in Al-3d-transition metal alloys. KFKI Reports (71-49). MTA KFKI.

Perjés, Zoltán (1971) SU (1,1) spin coefficients. KFKI Reports (71-51). MTA KFKI.

Szentpétery, Imre and Szűcs, Judit (1971) M1 transition from g9/2 analogue to anti-analogue state in 59Cu, 61Cu, 63Cu, 65Ga and 67Ga nuclei. KFKI Reports (71-52). MTA KFKI.

Erő, Jánosné and Hegyháti, Magdolna and Kósa Somogyi, István and Pintér, Katalin and Ritvay-Emandity, Katalin (1971) Szerves félvezetők. KFKI Reports (71-53). MTA KFKI.

Vincze, Imre and Grüner, György (1971) Temperature dependence of the hyperfine field at iron atoms near 3d-impurities. KFKI Reports (71-54). MTA KFKI.

Kluge, Gyula (1971) Prompt fission neutron spectra. KFKI Reports (71-55). MTA KFKI.

Dolinszky, Tamás (1971) Reduction of the problem of rearrangement processes to a pair of two-particle problems. KFKI Reports (71-56). MTA KFKI.

Szegő, Károly and Tóth, Kálmán (1971) Expansions of the unequal-mass scattering amplitude in terms of Poincaré representations and complex angular momentum at zero energy. KFKI Reports (71-60). MTA KFKI.

Jéki, László and Kluge, Gyula and Lajtai, Albert and Dyachenko, P.P. and Kuzminov, B.D. (1971) Fission neutron spectrum of 252Cf from 0.002 to 1 MeV. KFKI Reports (71-63). MTA KFKI.

Nagy, Dénes Lajos and Kulcsár, Katalin and Dézsi, István and Molnár, Béla (1971) Origin of the asymmetries in the quadrupole-split Mössbauer spectra of FeCO3 /siderite/. KFKI Reports (71-65). MTA KFKI.

Kiss, István and Jákli, György and Illy, Hédi and Jancsó, Gábor (1971) Isotope effect on vapour pressure. 5. KFKI Reports (71-68). MTA KFKI.

Gellai, Borbála and Jancsó, Gábor (1971) Application of the minimax approximation to the isotope effect on heat capacity of ideal gases. KFKI Reports (71-70). MTA KFKI.

Hraskó, Péter (1971) V-center production in positron annihilation. KFKI Reports (71-71). MTA KFKI.

Ádám, A. and Horváth, Dezső and Hraskó, Péter and Kajcsos, Zsolt and Lábadi, M. (1971) Positron annihilation in laser radiation field. KFKI Reports (71-72). MTA KFKI.

Bagyinszki, János (1971) Digitális rendszerek optimális huzalozásának számológépes tervezése. KFKI Reports (71-73). MTA KFKI.

Tóth, József (1971) The temperature-dependent part of the impurity resistivity in dilute AlCu, AlMn and AlCr alloys. KFKI Reports (71-75). MTA KFKI.

Huszár, Miklós (1971) Symmetries of Wigner coefficients and Thomae - Whipple functions. KFKI Reports (71-76). MTA KFKI.

Vértes, Péter (1971) Preparation of group constants for neutron shielding calculations from the evaluated nuclear data available from IAEA. KFKI Reports (71-78). MTA KFKI.

Somogyi, Antal J. (1971) Transient modulation. KFKI Reports (71-79). MTA KFKI.

Lukács, Béla and Perjés, Zoltán (1971) Electrovac fields with geodesic eigenrays. KFKI Reports (71-81). MTA KFKI.

Nagy, Elemér (1971) Momentum estimation of electrons traversing heavy media in homogeneous magnetic field II. KFKI Reports (71-83). MTA KFKI.

Andrási, Andor and Kötél, Gyula (1971) Whole body counter efficiency calculations for distributed sources in a human phantom. KFKI Reports (72-30). MTA KFKI.

Nyíri, Júlia (1972) A complete set of functions in the quantum mechanical three-body problem. KFKI Reports (72-03). MTA KFKI.

Vértes-Tunják, M. (1972) Nekotorye puti usovershenstvovanija vycokovakuumnykh paromasljannykh nasosov. KFKI Reports (72-04). MTA KFKI.

Szőke, József (1972) Computerized measurements and data processing 4. KFKI Reports (72-05). MTA KFKI.

Szőke, József (1972) Komputeres mérés és adatfeldolgozás. 3. KFKI Reports (72-06). MTA KFKI.

Farkas, Győző and Horváth, Z.Gy. and Kertész, Iván (1972) Influence of optical field emission on the nonlinear photoelectric effect induced by ultrashort laser pulses. KFKI Reports (72-07). MTA KFKI.

Iche, Georges and Zawadowski, Alfréd (1972) Partial cancelliation in the electron-hole and electron-electron correlation in the symmetric Anderson model. KFKI Reports (72-08). MTA KFKI.

Grüner, György (1972) Temperature dependence of the charge perturbation around 3d-transition metal impurities in aluminium. KFKI Reports (72-09). MTA KFKI.

Hajdu, Kálmán and Manno, István (1972) Preliminary description of the software of the microscopes connected on line to a TPA small computer. KFKI Reports (72-10). MTA KFKI.

Grüner, György and Tompa, Kálmán (1972) Detailed 57Fe continuous wave NMR spectra in Fe-based dilute Fe-Co alloys. KFKI Reports (72-12). MTA KFKI.

Hraskó, Péter (1972) Spontaneous decay in a time dependent external field. KFKI Reports (72-15). MTA KFKI.

Sütő, András (1972) A szimplex módszer egy kvantumkémiai alkalmazása. KFKI Reports (72-16). MTA KFKI.

Kluge, Gyula and Jéki, László (1972) Energy spectra of neutrons from (n,n') and (n,2n) reactions. KFKI Reports (72-17). MTA KFKI.

Bergou, János and Salamon, Tamás (1972) Oscillating transition probability for photoelectron emission. KFKI Reports (72-18). MTA KFKI.

Szabados, László and Kovács, László M. (1972) RKVI, computer program to determine vibration characteristics of fuel rods in parallel flow. KFKI Reports (72-21). MTA KFKI.

Ruvalds, J. and Zawadowski, Alfréd and Tüttő, István (1972) Bound phonon pairs in solids. KFKI Reports (72-22). MTA KFKI.

Grüner, György and Zawadowski, Alfréd (1972) Semiphenomenological model for the resonances and charge neutrality in dilute magnetic alloys. KFKI Reports (72-24). MTA KFKI.

Nagy, A. and Csőke, Antal and Szabó, Elek and Vorsatz, Brunó and Zemplén-Papp, Éva (1972) Opredelnie soderzhanija kisloroda v obrazce lunnogo grukhta num. 16/078, dostavlennogo avtomaticheskoj stanciej "Luna-16", metodom aktivacii s pomoshh'ju nejtronov s ehnergiej 14 Mehv. KFKI Reports (72-25). MTA KFKI.

Sólyom, Jenő (1972) On the excitation of four magnons in Raman scattering. KFKI Reports (72-26). MTA KFKI.

Bíró, János (1972) Investigation of tritium contamination on titanium ion-getter pumps. KFKI Reports (72-31). MTA KFKI.

Krammer, Gergely and Lovas, Istvánné (1972) SLIP - szimmetrikus listakezelő szubrutin rendszer az MTA CDC 3300-as és ICT 1905-ös számológépén. KFKI Reports (72-32). MTA KFKI.

Doleschall, Pál (1972) Simultaneous effect of p-wawe interactions and tensor force on the polarization in n-d scattering. KFKI Reports (72-36). MTA KFKI.

Farkas, Győző and Horváth, Z.Gy. and Kertész, Iván (1972) Measurement of mode-locked ultrashort laser pulses by different order photoelectric effects. KFKI Reports (72-41). MTA KFKI.

Bakos, József and Kiss, A. and Szabó, László and Tendler, M. (1972) Perturbation of atomic levels near to the ionization threshold in high intensity laser field. KFKI Reports (72-42). MTA KFKI.

Huszár, Miklós (1972) Deformation of the SO (2,C) subgroup of the Lorentz group. KFKI Reports (72-43). MTA KFKI.

Kollár, János and Solt, György (1972) Simple analytical wave functions for the ions of the iron-group elements. KFKI Reports (72-45). MTA KFKI.

Andréka, Hajnal and Gergely, Tamás and Németi, István (1972) Problémaorientált nyelvhierarchia és beállító logika. KFKI Reports (72-46). MTA KFKI.

Szabó, Ferenc (1972) The zero power reactor ZR-4. KFKI Reports (72-48). MTA KFKI.

Frankl, László (1972) A Budapesti Műszaki Egyetem Oktató és Kutató Reaktora V. KFKI Reports (72-49). MTA KFKI.

Dézsi, István (1972) Mössbauer effect studies on frozen solutions. KFKI Reports (72-52). MTA KFKI.

Tüttő, István (1972) Theory of the temperature dependence of the roton energy. KFKI Reports (72-53). MTA KFKI.

Szőke, József and László, Zoltán and Kovács, Sándor (1972) A luminometria alkalmazása a klinikai laboratóriumban és az orvostudományi kutatásokban. KFKI Reports (72-56). MTA KFKI.

Bakos, József and Ovsjannikov, V.D. and Rapoport, L.P. (1972) Vlijanie vynuzhdennykh rezonansnykh perekhodov na verojatnost' mnogofotonnoj ionizacii atoma. KFKI Reports (72-57). MTA KFKI.

Kiss, Árpád István and Szőke, József (1972) Quantumspectroscopy 4. KFKI Reports (72-58). MTA KFKI.

Zaránd, Pál (1972) Two codes for evaluation of nuclear accident dosimetry system. KFKI Reports (72-60). MTA KFKI.

Serfőző, Gusztáv and Kovács-Csetényi, E. and Grüner, György (1972) Quadrupolar NMR line-broadening in Al-3d-transition metal alloys. KFKI Reports (72-61). MTA KFKI.

Gadó, János and Szatmáry, Zoltán (1972) SOPHIE and CECILY. KFKI Reports (72-64). MTA KFKI.

Pálfalvi, József and Zaránd, Pál (1972) Spectrans a computer code for standardizing neutron spectra. KFKI Reports (72-65). MTA KFKI.

Makra, Zsigmond and Pálfalvi, József and Zaránd, Pál (1972) Calculation and comparison of leakage neutron spectra. KFKI Reports (72-67). MTA KFKI.

Bakos, József (1972) Resonance phenomena in the multiphoton ionization of excited atoms. KFKI Reports (72-68). MTA KFKI.

Bakos, József and Kiss, Árpád István and Szabó, László and Tendler, M. (1972) Resonance multiphoton ionization. KFKI Reports (72-69). MTA KFKI.

Szőke, József and Kiss, Árpád István (1972) Quantumspectroscopy 7. Pt.2. KFKI Reports (72-72). MTA KFKI.

Kiss, Árpád István and Martin, A. and Szőke, József (1972) Quantumspecrtoscopy 5. KFKI Reports (72-73). MTA KFKI.

Szőke, József (1972) Computerized measurements and data processing No.6. KFKI Reports (72-74). MTA KFKI.

Lux, Iván and Koblinger, László (1973) An ICL version of the 05R program system. KFKI Reports (73-02). MTA KFKI.

Menyhárd, Nóra and Sólyom, Jenő (1973) Application of the renormalization group technique to the problem of phase transition in one-dimensional metallic systems. KFKI Reports (73-03). MTA KFKI.

Sólyom, Jenő (1973) Application of the renormalization group technique to the problem of phase transition in one-dimensional metallic systems II. KFKI Reports (73-05). MTA KFKI.

Hegedűs, Csaba (1973) Laurent expansion of the inverse of a function matrix. KFKI Reports (73-06). MTA KFKI.

Dékány, István and Maróti, László and Szabados, László and Szeghő, L. and Szentgyörgyi, István and Török, Antal (1973) One-and-a-half circuit loop arrangement. KFKI Reports (73-08). MTA KFKI.

Maróti, László and Szentgyörgyi, István (1973) Vapour pressure curves of the diphenyl benzene mixtures. KFKI Reports (73-09). MTA KFKI.

Maróti, László (1973) Pool boiling crisis. KFKI Reports (73-12). MTA KFKI.

Kötél, Gyula and Andrási, Andor (1973) Programsorozat szcintillációs detektor hatásfokának számítására. KFKI Reports (73-13). MTA KFKI.

Hajtó, János and Kósa Somogyi, István (1973) Effect of pulsed laser radiation on amorphous semiconductor films. KFKI Reports (73-14). MTA KFKI.

Kovács, László M. and Szabados, László (1973) Turmix - computer program to determine single-phase interchannel mixing in reactor fuel rod bundles. KFKI Reports (73-16). MTA KFKI.

Koblinger, László (1973) Monte Carlo calculations on chest X-ray examinations. KFKI Reports (73-19). MTA KFKI.

Hegedűs, Csaba (1973) Mágneses buboréktárolók vizsgálata a logikai műveletvégzés szempontjából. KFKI Reports (73-21). MTA KFKI.

Szlávik, Ferenc and Kosály, György and Kozmann, György and Pallagi, Dezső and Pellionisz, Péter (1973) Development of correlation instruments and measurement techniques with special regard to the application of correlation methods in neutron physics and reactor techniques. KFKI Reports (73-23). MTA KFKI.

Andréka, Hajnal and Gergely, Tamás and Németi, István (1973) Vizsgálatok az algebrai logika területén. KFKI Reports (73-24). MTA KFKI.

Gellai, Borbála and Jancsó, Gábor (1973) Computer program for the calculation of force constants using the generalized inverse matrix. KFKI Reports (73-25). MTA KFKI.

Lukács, Béla (1973) The application of the spin coefficient method for the space-like symmetric electrovac problem. KFKI Reports (73-26). MTA KFKI.

Szabados, László and Téchy, Zsolt (1973) VOID-1, számítógépi program gőztartalom meghatározására reaktorcsatornákban. KFKI Reports (73-28). MTA KFKI.

Garay, A.S. and Keszthelyi, Lajos and Demeter, István and Hraskó, Péter (1973) Differences in the annihilation of positrons in optical isomers. KFKI Reports (73-29). MTA KFKI.

Tompa, Kálmán (1973) Effective J values in dilute Cu-Mn and Cu-Fe alloys, as determined in terms of NMR data. KFKI Reports (73-31). MTA KFKI.

Bata, Lajos and Buka, Ágnes and Jánossy, István (1973) Electric field induced instabilities in nematic liquid crystals. KFKI Reports (73-32). MTA KFKI.

Solt, György and Kollár, János (1973) On the volume dependence of the total energy and the equation of state for copper. KFKI Reports (73-34). MTA KFKI.

Lukács, Béla (1973) All vacuum metrics with space-like symmetry and shearing geodesic timelike eigenrays. KFKI Reports (73-38). MTA KFKI.

Rózsa, Károly and Csillag, László and Jánossy, Mihály and Salamon, Tamás (1973) Investigations on a hollow cathode He-Cd ion laser. KFKI Reports (73-39). MTA KFKI.

Csillag, László and Jánossy, Mihály and Rózsa, Károly (1973) On the determination of gas pressure and mixture ratio in sealed off He-Ne laser tubes. KFKI Reports (73-44). MTA KFKI.

Dyachenko, P.P. and Piksajkin, V.M. and Lajtai, Albert (1973) Search for retarded neutrons from spontaneous fission of 252Cf. KFKI Reports (73-45). MTA KFKI.

Lovas, Istvánné (1973) Symbolang. KFKI Reports (73-50). MTA KFKI.

Gazsó, János (1973) Electrical behaviour of thin layer Au-Polyethylene-Al sandwiches. KFKI Reports (73-54). MTA KFKI.

Bagyinszki, János (1973) Az m-értékű logika függvényrendszereinek funkcionális teljessége. KFKI Reports (73-55). MTA KFKI.

Pálfalvi, József (1973) Spectrans-2. KFKI Reports (73-57). MTA KFKI.

Farkas, Győző (1973) Multiphoton photoemission from solid state, with special regard to metals. KFKI Reports (73-58). MTA KFKI.

Kecskeméti, József and Czibók, Tamás (1973) A kinematically complete measurement on the D(n,np) reaction at Vn=0. KFKI Reports (73-59). MTA KFKI.

Bata, Lajos and Vizi, Imre (1973) The rotational diffusion of para-azoxy-anisole molecules in liquid crystal and isotropic liquid state. KFKI Reports (73-60). MTA KFKI.

Ritvay-Emandity, Katalin and Pintér, Katalin (1973) Folyadékkristályok kémiája I. KFKI Reports (73-61). MTA KFKI.

Sólyom, Jenő and Zawadowski, Alfréd (1973) Are the scaling laws for the Kondo problem exact? KFKI Reports (73-63). MTA KFKI.

Sólyom, Jenő (1973) Renormalization and scaling in the X-ray absorption and Kondo problems. KFKI Reports (73-64). MTA KFKI.

Kisdiné Koszó, Éva and Neuprandt, Gábor and Zimmer, György J (1973) A rotating sample magnetometer. KFKI Reports (73-65). MTA KFKI.

Pálmai, Imre and Szigeti, Béla (1973) Kodovyj preobrazovatel' GRAY-BCD k nejtronnomu difraktometru "HELENA". KFKI Reports (73-66). MTA KFKI.

Andréka, Hajnal and Gergely, Tamás and Németi, István (1973) Toward a general theory of logics. Pt.1. KFKI Reports (73-67). MTA KFKI.

Jéki, László (1973) On the recommended values of (n,2n) cross sections. KFKI Reports (73-68). MTA KFKI.

Dolinszky, Tamás (1973) Numerical solution of the problem of scattering on a class of singular potentials. KFKI Reports (73-69). MTA KFKI.

Bata, Lajos and Buka, Ágnes and Jánossy, István (1973) On the theory of electrically controlled birefringence. KFKI Reports (73-70). MTA KFKI.

Andréka, Hajnal and Gergely, Tamás and Németi, István (1973) Purely algebrical construction of first order logics. KFKI Reports (73-71). MTA KFKI.

Tompa, Kálmán (1973) Local magnetic field near Mn atoms in Cu-Mn dilute alloys. KFKI Reports (73-72). MTA KFKI.

Grüner, György and Zawadowski, Alfréd (1974) Magnetic impurities in non-magnetic metals. KFKI Reports (74-01). MTA KFKI.

Tompa, Kálmán (1974) NMR in dilute alloys. KFKI Reports (74-08). MTA KFKI.

Grüner, György (1974) Experimental evidence for many-body effects in dilute alloys. KFKI Reports (74-11). MTA KFKI.

Jánossy, András and Csermák, Kálmán (1974) Interface conduction electron spin relaxation in lithium-copper double layers. KFKI Reports (74-17). MTA KFKI.

Szende, G. and Udvarhelyi, K. (1974) Preparation and labelling of monodisperse polystyrene- and polystyrene-vinyltoluene copolymer latices. KFKI Reports (74-27). MTA KFKI.

Gál, László (1974) Wall field interpretation of magnetic bubble behaviour. KFKI Reports (74-37). MTA KFKI.

Vincze, Imre and Campbell, I.A. and Meyer, A.J. (1974) Hyperfine field and magnetic moments in bcc Fe-Co and Fe-Ni. KFKI Reports (74-42). MTA KFKI.

Takács, László and Vincze, Imre and Cadeville, M.C. (1974) Mössbauer study of the intermetallic compounds (Fe₁-xCox)₂B and (Fe₁-xCox)B. KFKI Reports (74-50). MTA KFKI.

Manno, István (1974) Focal in on-line data processing. KFKI Reports (74-56). MTA KFKI.

Kovács, László and Balla, János (1974) Combined He3 cryostats and He3-He4 dilution refrigerators. KFKI Reports (74-60). MTA KFKI.

Lukács, Béla (1974) SO/4/ symmetric solutions for certain types of energy-momentum tensor. KFKI Reports (74-62). MTA KFKI.

Hasenfratz, Péter and Hraskó, Péter (1974) Canonical quantization of Gauge theories. KFKI Reports (74-65). MTA KFKI.

Halász, A. (1974) Mérőberendezés folyadékkristályok optikai tuljdonságainak vizsgálatára. KFKI Reports (74-73). MTA KFKI.

Szabó, Pál (1974) A TPA 70 kisszámítógép párhuzamos-soros távgépíró kódátalakítója. KFKI Reports (74-74). MTA KFKI.

Kóta, József (1974) On the second spherical harmonics of the cosmic ray angular distribution. KFKI Reports (74-88). MTA KFKI.

Németh, Géza (1975) PRAKA programcsomag. KFKI Reports (75-02). MTA KFKI.

Kollár, János and Solt, György (1975) Simple model for the total energy of noble metals. KFKI Reports (75-05). MTA KFKI.

Somogyi, Antal (1975) Structure of irregular galactic magnetic fields determined on the basis of cosmic ray measurements. KFKI Reports (75-06). MTA KFKI.

Ivezic, T. (1975) The hopping model of zero-bias tunneling anomalies I. KFKI Reports (75-07). MTA KFKI.

Jánossy, Lajos (1975) Aspects of the two-body treatment of the H-atom. KFKI Reports (75-11). MTA KFKI.

Jánossy, Lajos (1975) Comparison between the classical and quantum theories of incoherent scattering. KFKI Reports (75-12). MTA KFKI.

Erő, Jánosné and Menczel, J. (1975) ESR study of the distribution function in nematic liquid crystals. KFKI Reports (75-18). MTA KFKI.

Koblinger, László and Pálfalvi, József (1975) Monte Carlo calculated spectra of neutrons transmitted through and reflected from homogeneous polyethylene slabs. KFKI Reports (75-21). MTA KFKI.

Vincze, I. and Besnus, M.J. (1975) Effect of aluminium on the magnetic moments in ferromagnetic binary alloys. KFKI Reports (75-23). MTA KFKI.

Andréka, Hajnal and Gergely, Tamás and Németi, István (1975) Easily comprehensible mathematical logic and its model theory. KFKI Reports (75-24). MTA KFKI.

Sólyom, Jenő (1975) Low energy behaviour of a one dimensional Fermi model with short and long range interaction. KFKI Reports (75-35). MTA KFKI.

Holczer, Károly (1975) Conductivity of a quarter filled narrow band hubbard chain. KFKI Reports (75-37). MTA KFKI.

Miljak, M. and Jánossy, András and Grüner, György (1975) Magnetic susceptibility of QN(TCNQ)2. KFKI Reports (75-38). MTA KFKI.

Mihály, György and Holczer, Károly and Pintér, Katalin and Jánossy, András and Grüner, György and Miljak, M. (1975) Magnetic and electric properties of NMeQn(TCNQ)2. KFKI Reports (75-39). MTA KFKI.

Mihály, György and Ritvay-Emandity, Katalin and Grüner, György (1975) High temperature resistivity of QN(TCNQ)2 and AD(TCNQ)2. KFKI Reports (75-40). MTA KFKI.

Csikor, Ferenc and Montvay, István and Urbán, László (1975) Weak decays of charmed mesons in a statistical quark model. KFKI Reports (75-42). MTA KFKI.

Manno, István (1975) Computer control of BIS spectrometer. KFKI Reports (75-54). MTA KFKI.

Nagy, Ágnes G. and Dézsi, István and Hillman, M. (1975) Mössbauer study of bridged ferrocene derivates. KFKI Reports (75-72). MTA KFKI.

Lőcs, Gyula (1975) Kisszámítógépek programrendszereinek összehasonlító elemzése. KFKI Reports (75-75). MTA KFKI.

Fazekas, Patrik and Sütő, András (1975) On the spectrum of singlet excitations of the S=1/2 linear Heisenberg antiferromagnet. KFKI Reports (75-77). MTA KFKI.

Mihály, László and Sólyom, Jenő (1976) Renormalization group treatment of three-dimensional ordering in a system of weakly coupled linear chains. KFKI Reports (76-02). MTA KFKI.

Gazsó, János and Hajtó, János and Zentai, G. (1976) Kinetics of optical memory switching in chalcogenide thin films. KFKI Reports (76-04). MTA KFKI.

Becker, C. and Zsoldos, Éva and Weber, A. (1976) Dislocation configurations at inclusions in GGG /Gd(3)Ga(5)O(12)/. KFKI Reports (76-06). MTA KFKI.

Varga, László (1976) The abstractions of machine dependent program forms. KFKI Reports (76-11). MTA KFKI.

Birulev, V.K. (1976) K°(L)-K°(S) transmission regeneration on hydrogen. KFKI Reports (76-19). MTA KFKI.

Nagy, T. and Mezey, G. and Kótai, Endre and Gyulai, József and Révész, Péter (1976) Lattice location and electrical behaviour of group III and V elements implanted into silicon. KFKI Reports (76-24). MTA KFKI.

Varga, László (1976) The VDL graph. KFKI Reports (76-28). MTA KFKI.

Huszár, Miklós (1976) Impact parameter expansion of fields. KFKI Reports (76-30). MTA KFKI.

Hraskó, Péter (1976) Quasiclassical quantization of the magnetic charge. KFKI Reports (76-32). MTA KFKI.

Takács, László (1976) Mössbauer investigation of the magnetic anisotropy and electronic structure of a metallic glass. KFKI Reports (76-36). MTA KFKI.

Diósi, Lajos (1976) An extension of the generator function technique. KFKI Reports (76-39). MTA KFKI.

Tóth, Kálmán (1976) Hadronic currents in the infinite momentum frame. KFKI Reports (76-40). MTA KFKI.

Diósi, Lajos (1976) A simple method for measuring the moments of multiplicity distribution. KFKI Reports (76-43). MTA KFKI.

Farkas, Győző and Horváth, Zoltán György and Lompré, L.-A. and Petite, G. (1976) Anomalous behaviour of surface multiphoton photoeffect induced by single selected ultrashort laser pulses. KFKI Reports (76-45). MTA KFKI.

Mink, János and Kemény, G. and Mink, L.M. (1976) Computer programs for vibrational spectroscopy in ALGOL. KFKI Reports (76-47). MTA KFKI.

Tarnay, Katalin (1976) Computer networks. KFKI Reports (76-51). MTA KFKI.

Bencze, György and Hámori, András (1976) A method for optimizing Fourier holograms. KFKI Reports (76-53). MTA KFKI.

Grüner, György (1976) Localized 3d moments in simple metals. KFKI Reports (76-66). MTA KFKI.

Kecskeméty, Károly (1976) First and second diurnal harmonics of the Budapest underground cosmic ray telescope data from 1958 to 1963. KFKI Reports (76-81). MTA KFKI.

Stamenkovic, S. and Plakida, N.M. and Aksienov, V.L. and Siklós, Tivadar (1977) On the tunnelling effect in the unified theory of ferroelectricity. KFKI Reports (77-04). MTA KFKI.

Forgács, Gábor (1977) Gell-Mann and low type renormalization group and the equation of state of the Heisenberg ferromagnet. KFKI Reports (77-06). MTA KFKI.

Forgács, Gábor and Zawadowski, Alfréd (1977) Gell-Mann and low type renormalization group and the fi(6) theory. KFKI Reports (77-07). MTA KFKI.

Vass, Szabolcs (1977) Transformation of tridiagonal coefficient matrices of first order linear systems with uniform time-dependence in the subdiagonals into matrices having constant eigenvalues. KFKI Reports (77-100). MTA KFKI.

Szabados, László (1977) Az NVH termohidraulikai kisérleti berendezés. 3. rész. KFKI Reports (77-110). MTA KFKI.

Migdal, A.A. (1977) Multicolor QCD as dual resonance theory. KFKI Reports (77-19). MTA KFKI.

Ambrózy, Denise and Vajda, Ferenc and Rényi, István (1977) Principy postroenija i oblasti primenenija intellektual'nogo displennogo terminala s mikroprocessornym upravleniem. KFKI Reports (77-27). MTA KFKI.

Szatmáry, Zoltán (1977) Data evaluation problems in reactor physics theory of program RFIT. KFKI Reports (77-43). MTA KFKI.

Gadó, János and Keresztúri, András (1977) Moments of the Fourier-transformed neutron slowing-down kernel: the computer code "MAGGIE". KFKI Reports (77-44). MTA KFKI.

Dolinszky, Tamás (1977) The half-shell phase shift in terms of the on-shell phase function. KFKI Reports (77-46). MTA KFKI.

Jánosy, János Sebestyén (1977) A PROHYS program felhasználói ismertető. KFKI Reports (77-47). MTA KFKI.

Albrecht, K.-F. (1977) Observation of the diffractive production of the /\K(pi) system. KFKI Reports (77-48). MTA KFKI.

Stamenkovic, S. and Plakida, N.M. and Aksienov, V.L. and Siklós, Tivadar (1977) Unified theory of ferroelectric phase transitions: quantum limit. KFKI Reports (77-49). MTA KFKI.

Erdős, Géza and Somogyi, Antal J. and Varga, András (1977) Analysis of data obtained with fast-timing angular distribution measurements. KFKI Reports (77-50). MTA KFKI.

Erdős, Géza and Gombosi, Tamás and Kóta, József and Owens, A.J. and Somogyi, Antal J. and Varga, András (1977) Fluctuations of ~10(14) eV cosmic rays. KFKI Reports (77-51). MTA KFKI.

Kóta, József (1977) Energy loss in the solar system and modulation of cosmic radiation. KFKI Reports (77-52). MTA KFKI.

Szabó, Pál (1977) Gazdaságosan kijelezhető 4-BED kódok. KFKI Reports (77-54). MTA KFKI.

Lázár, Károly and Konczos, Géza (1977) Decarburization rate in certian soft magnetic alloys. KFKI Reports (77-55). MTA KFKI.

Jánossy, István and Bata, Lajos (1977) Study of elastic properties near a nematic-smectic A transition. KFKI Reports (77-65). MTA KFKI.

Csákány, Antal and Holtzer, Lóránt and Tarnay, Katalin and Vajda, Ferenc (1977) Education by minicomputer. KFKI Reports (77-78). MTA KFKI.

Lukács, Béla (1977) On the Bonnor counterparts of the Tomimatsu-Sato solutions. KFKI Reports (77-79). MTA KFKI.

Vértes, Péter (1977) TIBSO -a program system for the calculation of the production, transfer, life cycle and radiation of radionuclides in a compound nuclear reactor system. KFKI Reports (77-83). MTA KFKI.

Horváthy, P. (1977) Variational formalism for spin particles. KFKI Reports (77-89). MTA KFKI.

Montvay, István (1977) The SU(3)-properties of semileptonic and nonleptonic decays of mesons. KFKI Reports (77-91). MTA KFKI.

Pásztor, Endre and Királyhidi, László and Riedl, Péter (1977) Heavy ion source with indirect heating. KFKI Reports (77-96). MTA KFKI.

Zawadowski, Alfréd (1978) Bound excitations in He(4). KFKI Reports (78-09). MTA KFKI.

Ambrózy, György and Miskolczi, János and Vajda, Ferenc (1978) Small computer bulit with intel 3000 bit-sliced microprocessor system. KFKI Reports (78-100). MTA KFKI.

Bürger, Laura (1978) Process-24K an efficient process control system. KFKI Reports (78-17). MTA KFKI.

Balla, János and Erő-Gécs, Mária and Jánossy, András (1978) Gas-flow measuring head for electron spin resonance spectrometer. KFKI Reports (78-25). MTA KFKI.

Ránky, Miklós and Egri, Béla and Honti, Zoltán and Jerzsabek, Lajos (1978) Gépészeti rezgésdiagnosztikai vizsgálatok a VVRSz-M reaktor primer vízkörén I. KFKI Reports (78-31). MTA KFKI.

Ördögh, Mária (1978) A complex method for the neutron activation analysis of biological materials. KFKI Reports (78-36). MTA KFKI.

Montvay, István and Zimányi, József (1978) Hadron chemistry in heavy ion collisions. KFKI Reports (78-45). MTA KFKI.

Montvay, István (1978) Equations of state for relativistic quantum ideal gases of massive particles. KFKI Reports (78-49). MTA KFKI.

Sólyom, Jenő (1978) The Fermi gas model of one-dimensional conductors. KFKI Reports (78-60). MTA KFKI.

Katona, Tamás (1978) Issledovanie vozmozhnosti opredelenija sostojanija teplonositelja na osnovanii analiza fluktuacij mestnoj temperatury sredy. KFKI Reports (78-64). MTA KFKI.

Holtzer, Lóránt and Vajda, Ferenc (1978) Relationship between computertechniques and physically handicapped people. KFKI Reports (78-70). MTA KFKI.

Gadó, János (1978) A VVER-440 típusú atomerőművi reaktorok számítására készült BIPR program ismertetése. KFKI Reports (78-72). MTA KFKI.

Németh, András (1978) A ZR-6 kritikus rendszer teljesítményének meghatározása és egyes sugárvédelmi kérdéseinek vizsgálata. KFKI Reports (78-76). MTA KFKI.

Jávor, András (1978) Indeterminált helyzetek szimulációja "részecske-orientált" diszkrét rendszereknél. KFKI Reports (78-83). MTA KFKI.

Rényi, István and Sándor, László Tamás and Vajda, Ferenc (1978) Effects of microprocessor techniques on display terminal architecture. KFKI Reports (78-94). MTA KFKI.

Erényi, István (1979) Development tools for designing and debugging microprocessor based systems. KFKI Reports (79-08). MTA KFKI.

Szőke, József and Mészáros, György and Hargitai, Csaba (1979) Komputeres adatfeldolgozás. 15. KFKI Reports (79-13). MTA KFKI.

Kálmán, Péter and Sziklai, János (1979) Possible effect of free electron and ion densities on the results of lamb shift measurements. KFKI Reports (79-25). MTA KFKI.

Pálla, Gabriella and Lindström, G. and Riech, V. (1979) Higher order processes in two-nucleon transfer reactions. KFKI Reports (79-31). MTA KFKI.

Kálmán, Péter and Sziklai, János (1979) Comment on semiclassical lamb shift calculations. KFKI Reports (79-42). MTA KFKI.

Mihály, György and Vancsó, Gyula and Pekker, Sándor and Jánossy, András (1979) Electric properties of iodine doped polyacetylene. KFKI Reports (79-48). MTA KFKI.

Egeli, György (1979) Csőtöréseknél fellépő tranziens jelenségek kétfázisú áramlás esetén. KFKI Reports (79-51). MTA KFKI.

Fajer, V. and Alvarez, L. (1979) Organic scintillator efficiency using a Monte Carlo code. KFKI Reports (79-60). MTA KFKI.

Fodor, István and Sziklai, János (1979) The analogue doorway and its effect in the different channels. KFKI Reports (79-63). MTA KFKI.

Csernai, László Péter and Fái, György (1979) Simple models for almost central asymmetric heavy-ion collisions at moderate energies. KFKI Reports (79-66). MTA KFKI.

Bergou, János (1979) Wave functions of a free electron in an external field and their application in intense field interactions. 1. KFKI Reports (79-69). MTA KFKI.

Bergou, János and Varró, Sándor (1979) Wave functions of a free elctron in an external field and their application in intense field interactions. 2. KFKI Reports (79-70). MTA KFKI.

Szőke, József and Tóth, János (1979) Mérésautomatizálás és műszertechnika. 21. KFKI Reports (79-74). MTA KFKI.

Páris, Gyula and Kersner, Róbert and Németh, Géza (1979) Model'naja zadacha diffuzionnogo rasshirenija plazmy poperek vedushhego magnitnogo polja. KFKI Reports (79-75). MTA KFKI.

Zhidkov, E.P., ed. (1979) Algoritmy i programmy dlja reshenija nekotorykh zadach fiziki. 3.vyp. KFKI Reports (79-82). MTA KFKI.

Fradkin, E.S. and Gitman, D.M. (1979) Problems of quantum electrodynamics with external field creating pairs. KFKI Reports (79-83). MTA KFKI.

Bencze, Gyula (1979) A note on non-orthogonality effects in coupled channel methods for rearrangement reactions. KFKI Reports (79-84). MTA KFKI.

Tóth, Iván and Dús, Magdolna (1979) BIOT2 - Három dimenziós hővezetési kód időfüggő feladatok megoldására. KFKI Reports (79-85). MTA KFKI.

Nunez, A. Mavilio (1979) Study of the absolute full energy peak efficiency of a GE(LI) detector. KFKI Reports (79-90). MTA KFKI.

Andrási, Andor and Beleznay, Éva (1980) International intercomparison of whole body counters. KFKI Reports (79-95). MTA KFKI.

Zentai, György (1980) Photoelectrical investigation of CdSe-Sb(2)Se(3) heterojunctions. KFKI Reports (80-01). MTA KFKI.

Fazekas, Patrik (1980) A manifestation of the frustration effect in S=1/2 quantum spin systems. KFKI Reports (80-03). MTA KFKI.

Buka, Ágnes and Bata, Lajos and Kresse, H. (1980) Reorientation of the long molecular axis in smectic phases. KFKI Reports (80-04). MTA KFKI.

Pető, Gábor and Kanski, J. (1980) Photoemission spectra of ion-implanted amorphous Si and Fe(84)B(16) metal-glass. KFKI Reports (80-05). MTA KFKI.

Lutter, András and Ferencz, Kárpát (1980) Light scattering of dielectric mirrors. KFKI Reports (80-06). MTA KFKI.

Koblinger, László (1980) REBEL-3: A code for calculating doses in the organs of a phantom standing in a dwelling room. KFKI Reports (80-07). MTA KFKI.

Rózsa, Károly (1980) Hollow cathode discharges for gas lasers. KFKI Reports (80-08). MTA KFKI.

Vajsz, K. and Hargitai, Csaba and Herms, G. and Steil, H. (1980) High-angle X-ray diffraction studies on amorphous Ni-P alloys of low P content. KFKI Reports (80-09). MTA KFKI.

Hegedűs, Z. and Király, J. and Kisdiné Koszó, Éva and Sós, G. and Lovas, Antal (1980) Investigation of aging processes in iron-based metallic glasses. KFKI Reports (80-101). MTA KFKI.

Kemény, Tamás (1980) Thermal stability and crytallization of transition metal-boron metallic glasses. KFKI Reports (80-102). MTA KFKI.

Kemény, Tamás and Vincze, Imre and Davies, H.A. and Donald, I.W. and Lovas, Antal (1980) Crystallization products of Fe-B-Si based metallic glasses. KFKI Reports (80-103). MTA KFKI.

Lovas, Antal and Gránásy, László and Zámbó, Lászlóné and Király, J. (1980) Influence of transition-metal additives on the thermal stability of Fe(80)TM(3)B(17) quasi-eutectic metallic glasses. KFKI Reports (80-104). MTA KFKI.

Pető, Gábor and Kanski, J. and Lovas, Antal and Sasvári, J. (1980) The investigation of amorphous-crystalline transition in Fe-B metallic glasses by photoemission. KFKI Reports (80-105). MTA KFKI.

Potocky, L. and Karel, V. and Kisdiné Koszó, Éva and Novák, Lajos and Longauer, S. (1980) Crystallization of amorphous Fe-B alloys. KFKI Reports (80-106). MTA KFKI.

Tarnóczi, Tivadar and Nagy, Imre and Albert, Béla and Hossó, Mária (1980) Relaxation processes in metallic glasses investigated by magnetic measurements. KFKI Reports (80-107). MTA KFKI.

Tóth, József (1980) Measurements of activation energies for two-step crystallization. KFKI Reports (80-108). MTA KFKI.

Varga, Lajos and Lovas, Antal and Zsoldos, Éva and Hargitai, Csaba and Fogarassy, Bálint and Cziráki, Á. (1980) Crystallization and relaxation process in the amorphous Fe-B alloys studied by thermopower and diffraction methods. KFKI Reports (80-109). MTA KFKI.

Farkas, J. and Kiss, L. and Lovas, Antal and Kovács, P. and Géczi, E. (1980) Electrochemical corrosion of Fe(1-x)B(x) metallic glasses. KFKI Reports (80-110). MTA KFKI.

Cziráki, Ágnes (1980) Electronmicroscopic investigations of transition metal based metallic glasses. KFKI Reports (80-111). MTA KFKI.

Dézsi, István and Kajcsos, Zsolt (1980) Temperature effects in positronium quenching and inhibition in glycerol-water solutions. KFKI Reports (80-112). MTA KFKI.

Sebestyén, Ákos (1980) Einstein's theory recovered. KFKI Reports (80-113). MTA KFKI.

Kollár, János (1980) Cluster perturbation theory for classical fluids I. KFKI Reports (80-114). MTA KFKI.

Stamenkovic, S. and Plakida, N.M. and Aksienov, V.L. and Siklós, Tivadar (1980) A model description of ferroelectric phase transitions. KFKI Reports (80-115). MTA KFKI.

Tarnay, Katalin (1980) Priblizhenie k analizu setej EHVM so storony teorii IGR. KFKI Reports (80-116). MTA KFKI.

Sütő, András (1980) Ising models without phase transactions. KFKI Reports (80-117). MTA KFKI.

Nyíri, Júlia (1980) Space structure of hadrons and soft processes. KFKI Reports (80-118). MTA KFKI.

Bakos, J.S. (1980) Plasma diagnostic with lasers. KFKI Reports (80-119). MTA KFKI.

Vass, Szabolcs (1980) Connection between chemical rate coefficients and two-particle correlation functions in aggregated systems. KFKI Reports (80-120). MTA KFKI.

Iglói, Ferenc and Kollár, János (1980) Cluster perturbation theory for classical fluids. 2. KFKI Reports (80-121). MTA KFKI.

Forgács, Péter and Horváth, Z. and Palla, L. (1980) Exact multimonopole solutions in the Bogomolny-Prasad-Sommerfield limit. KFKI Reports (80-122). MTA KFKI.

Bauhoff, W. and Geramb, H.V. von and Pálla, Gabriella (1980) Study of nonlocal and local equivalent microscopic optical potentials. KFKI Reports (80-123). MTA KFKI.

Pálla, Gabriella and Bauhoff, W. and Geramb, H.V. von (1980) Microscopic optical potential for (24)Mg, (23)Mg, (23)Na. KFKI Reports (80-124). MTA KFKI.

Zawadowski, Alfréd (1980) Kondo like state in a simple model for metallic glasses. KFKI Reports (80-125). MTA KFKI.

Perjés, Zoltán and Sparling, George A.J. (1980) An ISU(3) hadron mass formula. KFKI Reports (80-126). MTA KFKI.

Sváb, Erzsébet and Kadomtseva, A.M. and Krinjeckij, I.B. and Lukina, M.M. and Matvejev, V.M. (1980) Spin reorientation transitions in Co(2+) substituted ErFeO(3). KFKI Reports (80-127). MTA KFKI.

Tarnay, K. (1980) Measurement principles in networking monitoring. KFKI Reports (80-128). MTA KFKI.

Tarnay, K. (1980) The measurement of computer networks. KFKI Reports (80-129). MTA KFKI.

Ambrózy, Denise and Szabó, András and Tarnay, Katalin (1980) A program package architecture for computer network measurement. KFKI Reports (80-130). MTA KFKI.

Jákli, György and Illy, Hédi (1980) Vapour pressure isotope effect of the equimolar H(2)O-D(2)O mixture. KFKI Reports (80-15). MTA KFKI.

Jákli, György and Jancsó, Gábor (1980) On the ideal behaviour of the equimolar H(2)O-D(2)O mixture. KFKI Reports (80-16). MTA KFKI.

Forgács, Péter and Horváth, Zoltán and Palla, L. (1980) Generating the BPS one monopole by a Bäcklund transformation. KFKI Reports (80-17). MTA KFKI.

Hughston, L.P. (1980) The twistor particle programme. KFKI Reports (80-18). MTA KFKI.

Jánossy, Mihály and Grozeva, M. and Rózsa, Károly (1980) Investigations on a hollow cathode Al ion laser. KFKI Reports (80-19). MTA KFKI.

Jancsó, Gábor (1980) Bibliography on vapour pressure isotope effects. Supplement I. KFKI Reports (80-20). MTA KFKI.

Vajda, Ferenc (1980) Computer science now and in the 1980s. KFKI Reports (80-21). MTA KFKI.

Von Geramb, H.V. and Pálla, Gabriella (1980) Elastic and inelastic proton scattering from even palladium isotopes. KFKI Reports (80-22). MTA KFKI.

Ambrózy, Denise (1980) NETSY: Network system simulator (from NETSY to NESSY - a case-study). KFKI Reports (80-25). MTA KFKI.

Pintér, Sándor (1980) The thickness of the interplanetary collisionless shock waves. KFKI Reports (80-27). MTA KFKI.

Mineev, V. Yu. and Spir'kova, E.S. and Gringauz, K.I. and Verigin, M.I. and Kotova, G.A. and Somogyi, Antal (1980) Prognoz 4 observations of electrons accelerated up to energies =< 2MeV and of the cold plasma between the magnetopause and the bow shock. KFKI Reports (80-29). MTA KFKI.

Bencze, P. (1980) Comparison of ion temperature and ion density measured during geomagnetically very quiet conditions on board of the geophysical rocket "Vertical-6" with the international reference ionosphere. KFKI Reports (80-30). MTA KFKI.

Apáthy, István (1980) Complex investigation of the basic parameters of the upper atmosphere at the time of the flight of the geophysical rocket "Vertical-6". KFKI Reports (80-31). MTA KFKI.

Kurt, V.G. (1980) Energetic particle, solar wind plasma and magnetic field measurements on board Prognoz-6 during the large scale interplanetary disturbance of Jan. 3-4, 1978. KFKI Reports (80-32). MTA KFKI.

Cziráki, Á. and Fogarassy, Bálint and Bakonyi, Imre and Tompa, Kálmán and Bagi, T. and Hegedűs, Z. (1980) Investigation of chemically deposited and electrodeposited amorphous Ni-P alloys. KFKI Reports (80-34). MTA KFKI.

Aszódi, G. and Szabon, János and Jánossy, István and Székely, Vladimir (1980) Uniform, high resolution thermal mapping of microcircuits using nematic liquid crystals. KFKI Reports (80-36). MTA KFKI.

Szépfalusy, Péter and Tél, Tamás (1980) Renormalization group analysis of relaxational dynamics in systems with many-component order-parameter II. KFKI Reports (80-38). MTA KFKI.

Nguyen, Mihn Khue (1980) Effect of weak hopping on the behaviour of the one-dimensional box model. KFKI Reports (80-41). MTA KFKI.

Szabó, Pál (1980) Több jelrendszerű lyukszalag periféria illesztés. KFKI Reports (80-43). MTA KFKI.

Szőke, József and Láng, Edit (1980) Adatfeldolgozás. 17. KFKI Reports (80-44). MTA KFKI.

Gombosi, Tamás and Owens, Aaron J. (1980) The interplanetary transport of solar cosmic rays. KFKI Reports (80-46). MTA KFKI.

Pócsik, István (1980) New interpretation of light scattering measurements in nematic liquid crystals. KFKI Reports (80-47). MTA KFKI.

Illy, Hédi (1980) Recent bibliography on analytical and sampling problems of a PWR primary coolant. KFKI Reports (80-48). MTA KFKI.

Szabó, Péter Pál and Félszerfalvi, János and Lénárt, Attila (1980) Energy dependence of CaSO(4):Dy and LiF TLDs. KFKI Reports (80-51). MTA KFKI.

Bencze, György (1980) N-body methods in the theory of nuclear reactions. KFKI Reports (80-52). MTA KFKI.

Bergou, János and Varró, Sándor and Fedorov, M.V. (1980) e-e Scattering in the presence of an external field. KFKI Reports (80-53). MTA KFKI.

Nyikos, Lajos and Vértes, Ákos and Schiller, Róbert (1980) Theoretical approach to charge transfer between molecules and their ions. KFKI Reports (80-56). MTA KFKI.

Endrőczi, Gábor (1980) Signal identification method for diagnostic use with filter triad. KFKI Reports (80-57). MTA KFKI.

Szalay, Sándor (1980) Limits on neutrino degeneracy from early nucleosynthesis. KFKI Reports (80-59). MTA KFKI.

Forgács, Péter and Horváth, Zoltán and Palla, László (1980) An exact fractionally charged selfdual solution. KFKI Reports (80-60). MTA KFKI.

Woynarovich, Ferenc (1980) Excitations with complex wavenumbers in a Hubbard chain. I. States with one pair of complex wavenumbers. KFKI Reports (80-61). MTA KFKI.

Woynarovich, Ferenc (1980) Excitations with complex wavenumbers in a Hubbard chain. II. States with several pairs of complex wavenumbers. KFKI Reports (80-62). MTA KFKI.

Török, Turul and Messing, György (1980) System-bus load investigations. KFKI Reports (80-63). MTA KFKI.

Lohner, Tivadar (1980) Ellipsometric and channeling studies on ion-implanted silicon. KFKI Reports (80-64). MTA KFKI.

Pászti, Ferenc (1980) Surface impurity loss during MeV (14)N(+) ion bombardment. KFKI Reports (80-65). MTA KFKI.

Zobor, Ervin and Bürger, Laura and Gossányi, András and Jánosy, János Sebestyén and Végh, Endre (1980) Direct digital control of the WWR-SM research reactor. KFKI Reports (80-68). MTA KFKI.

Illy, Hédi (1980) Nyomottvizes reaktorok primer vízkörének analitikai és mintavételi problémái. KFKI Reports (80-69). MTA KFKI.

Selivanov, V.M. and Pallagi, Dezső and Horányi, Sándor and Hargitai, Tibor and Tőzsér, Sándor and Vadász, G. (1980) Razrabotka i issledovanie termometricheskoj korreljacionnoj sistemy izmerenija raskhoda teplonositelnija dlja reaktorov tipa RBM-K. KFKI Reports (80-70). MTA KFKI.

Vesztergombi, György and Kiss, Dezső (1980) Nekotorye soobrazhenija o puchkakh mechenykh nejtrino. KFKI Reports (80-71). MTA KFKI.

Kóta, József (1980) How does the global structure of the interplanetary magnetic field affect cosmic ray modulation? KFKI Reports (80-72). MTA KFKI.

Szőkefalvi-Nagy, Zoltán and Demeter, István (1980) K X-ray production cross-sections induced by 1.6 to 4.0 MeV deuterons. KFKI Reports (80-73). MTA KFKI.

Kajcsos, Zsolt and Brauer, G. (1980) Some iron-based metallic glasses studies by positron annihilation. KFKI Reports (80-74). MTA KFKI.

Perjés, Zoltán (1980) Introduction to twistor particle theory. KFKI Reports (80-76). MTA KFKI.

Bakonyi, Imre (1980) (31)P NMR parameters of amorphous Ni-P alloys prepared by different methods. KFKI Reports (80-78). MTA KFKI.

Gránásy, László and Lovas, Antal and Kemény, Tamás (1980) The influence of thermal history on the physical properties of Fe-B metallic glasses. KFKI Reports (80-79). MTA KFKI.

Nagy, Imre and Tarnóczi, Tivadar and Hossó, Mária and Pavlyák, Ferenc (1980) Investigation of metallic glasses by Auger spectroscopy. KFKI Reports (80-80). MTA KFKI.

Novák, Lajos and Kisdiné Koszó, Éva and Potocky, L. and Lovas, Antal (1980) Correlation between technological parameters and induced anisotropy in amorphous Fe-B alloys. KFKI Reports (80-81). MTA KFKI.

Vojtaník, P. and Kisdiné Koszó, Éva and Lovas, Antal and Potocky, L. (1980) Correlation between technological parameters and magnetic after-effect in Fe-B. KFKI Reports (80-82). MTA KFKI.

Bakonyi, Imre and Kovács, István and Lovas, Antal and Takács, László and Tompa, Kálmán and Varga, Lajos (1980) (31)P NMR measurements on rapidly quenched [Ni(1-x)Cu(x)](80)P(20) metallic glasses. KFKI Reports (80-83). MTA KFKI.

Faigel, Gyula and De Vries, W.H. and Jansen, H.J.F. and Tegze, Miklós and Vincze, Imre (1980) Quasi-crystalline modelling of amorphous alloys. KFKI Reports (80-84). MTA KFKI.

Forgács, F. and Hajdu, Ferenc and Sváb, Erzsébet and Takács, J. (1980) Structure of Ni(60)Nb(40) metallic glass studied by combined X-ray and neutron diffraction. KFKI Reports (80-85). MTA KFKI.

Kajcsos, Zsolt and Brauer, G. (1980) Metallic glasses studied by positron annihilation. KFKI Reports (80-86). MTA KFKI.

Takács, László and Hargitai, Csaba (1980) Characterization of the local order in amorphous model structures. KFKI Reports (80-87). MTA KFKI.

Tompa, Kálmán and Bakonyi, Imre and Bánki, Péter and Takács, László (1980) (63)Cu and (65)Cu NMR study on an amorphous Ni-Cu-P alloy. KFKI Reports (80-88). MTA KFKI.

Vajsz, Katalin and Hajdu, Ferenc and Hargitai, Csaba and Mészáros, György (1980) On the structure of iron-boron metallic glasses. KFKI Reports (80-89). MTA KFKI.

Vincze, Imre and Kemény, Tamás and Schaafsma, A.S. and Lovas, Antal and Woude, F. van der (1980) Chemical and topological short-range order in metallic glasses. KFKI Reports (80-90). MTA KFKI.

Babic, E. and Marohnic, Z. and Fogarassy, Bálint and Kemény, Tamás and Lovas, Antal (1980) Resistivity minima in /Fe(x)Ni(1-x)/(75)B(25) metallic glasses. KFKI Reports (80-91). MTA KFKI.

Fogarassy, Bálint and Vasvári, Béla and Szabó, Imre and Jafar, A. (1980) Electrical transport properties of /Fe(c)TM(1-c)/(x)B(1-x) type metallic glasses. KFKI Reports (80-92). MTA KFKI.

Vasvári, Béla (1980) Electron densities of liquid and amorphous metals. KFKI Reports (80-93). MTA KFKI.

Lovas, Antal and Potocky, L. and Novák, Lajos and Kisdiné Koszó, Éva and Zámbó, Lászlóné (1980) Thermomagnetic investigations on quasi-binary Fe(80)TM(3)B(17) amorphous alloys. KFKI Reports (80-94). MTA KFKI.

Potocky, L. and Mlynek, R. and Kisdiné Koszó, Éva and Takács, János and Samuely, P. (1980) Magnetostriction on magnetic- and stress-annealed Fe-B amorphous alloys. KFKI Reports (80-95). MTA KFKI.

Takács, László and Tóthné Kádár, Enikő (1980) Mössbauer study of amorphous Fe-P alloys. KFKI Reports (80-96). MTA KFKI.

Tompa, Kálmán and Bakonyi, Imre and Bánki, Péter (1980) Multiple spin echoes in nonmagnetic amorphous alloys. KFKI Reports (80-97). MTA KFKI.

Varga, Lajos and Kisdiné Koszó, Éva and Lovas, Antal (1980) Transversal induction measurements on Fe-B amorphous ribbons. KFKI Reports (80-98). MTA KFKI.

Bagi, T. and Cziráki, Á. and Fogarassy, Bálint and Hegedűs, Z. (1980) Crystallization of Ni-Based electroless amorphous alloys. KFKI Reports (80-99). MTA KFKI.

Banai, Miklós (1981) On the quantization of spacetime. KFKI Reports (81-01). MTA KFKI.

Al Ani, Khalid and Dézsi, István and Kajcsos, Zsolt and Balogh, A. and Molnár, Béla and Brauer, G. (1981) Positron annihilation study of Fe(1-x)-B(x) crystalline binary system. KFKI Reports (81-03). MTA KFKI.

Sólyom, Jenő and Pfeuty, P. (1981) Renormalization group study of the one-dimensional quantum potts model. KFKI Reports (81-04). MTA KFKI.

Sólyom, Jenő (1981) Duality of the block transformation and decimation for quantum spin systems. KFKI Reports (81-05). MTA KFKI.

Forgács, Péter and Horváth, Zoltán and Palla, L. (1981) Towards complete integrability of the self-duality equations. KFKI Reports (81-06). MTA KFKI.

Sütő, András (1981) Magnetization in some frustration models. KFKI Reports (81-07). MTA KFKI.

Opauszky, István and Nyáry, I. (1981) Relative sensitivity coefficients in spark source mass spectrometry (SSMS) of metals. KFKI Reports (81-09). MTA KFKI.

Berei, Klára and Vasáros, László (1981) Organic chemistry of astatine. KFKI Reports (81-10). MTA KFKI.

Náday, István and Kajcsos, Zsolt and Kozma, Gyula and Kanyó, Miklós (1981) Fast-slow coincidence systems with very high time resolution. KFKI Reports (81-11). MTA KFKI.

Barz, H.W. and Lukács, Béla and Zimányi, József and Fái, G. and Jakobsson, B. (1981) On the role of the delta resonances in high energy heavy ion reactions. KFKI Reports (81-12). MTA KFKI.

Szuhár, Mihály (1981) Two-dimensional MOS transistor simulation. KFKI Reports (81-13). MTA KFKI.

Katona, Tamás (1981) Statistical analysis of subcooled boiling acoustic noise. KFKI Reports (81-14). MTA KFKI.

Hasenfratz, Anna and Hasenfratz, Péter (1981) The scales of Euclidian and Hamiltonian lattice QCD. KFKI Reports (81-15). MTA KFKI.

Bialynicki-Birula, I. (1981) A note on helicity. KFKI Reports (81-16). MTA KFKI.

Németh, Géza (1981) Geometric convergence of some two-point Padé approximations. KFKI Reports (81-19). MTA KFKI.

Perneczky, László and Trosztel, István (1981) PERF - 6 számítógépes program atomreaktorok hatszöges kazetta rácsának termohidraulikai analizísére. KFKI Reports (81-20). MTA KFKI.

Forgács, Péter and Horváth, Zalán and Palla, László (1981) Soliton theoretic framework for generating multimonopoles. KFKI Reports (81-21). MTA KFKI.

Pászti, Ferenc (1981) Blistering and exfoliation investigations on gold by 3,52 MeV helium particles. KFKI Reports (81-22). MTA KFKI.

Hodány, László (1981) Theories and measurements on non-isothermal reaction kinetics. KFKI Reports (81-24). MTA KFKI.

Alvarez, L. and Pálla, Gabriella (1981) Elastic scattering of (3)He by (12)C at 40,9 MeV energy. KFKI Reports (81-25). MTA KFKI.

Szőkefalvi-Nagy, Zoltán and Demeter, István and Varga, László and Hollós-Nagy, Katalin and Keszthelyi, Lajos (1981) Elemental analysis of samples of biological origin relative to their protein content by means of charged particle bombardment. KFKI Reports (81-26). MTA KFKI.

Pászti, Ferenc (1981) Preliminary results of the investigation of plasma contamination in MT-1 tokamak on probes by RBS and channeling. KFKI Reports (81-27). MTA KFKI.

Szabó, Zoltán (1981) Probabilistic risk assessment of a pressurized, partial-water-height critical assembly. KFKI Reports (81-28). MTA KFKI.

Vajda, Ferenc (1981) Man/computer communications in the 80's. KFKI Reports (81-31). MTA KFKI.

Szépfalusy, Péter and Tél, Tamás (1981) Critical dynamics near a hard mode instability. KFKI Reports (81-32). MTA KFKI.

Vladár, Károly and Zawadowski, Alfréd (1981) Theory of resonant electron scattering in amorphous metals. KFKI Reports (81-33). MTA KFKI.

Vértes, Péter (1981) FEDGROUP-3 - a program system for processing evaluated nuclear data in ENDF/B, KEDAK or UKNDL format to constants to be used in reactor physics calculation. KFKI Reports (81-34). MTA KFKI.

Endrőczi, Gábor and Péter, István (1981) Vibration-diagnostic experiments on tennis-rackets. KFKI Reports (81-35). MTA KFKI.

Lux, Iván and Pázsit, Imre (1981) Collision density approach of radiation damage in multi-species medium. KFKI Reports (81-37). MTA KFKI.

Lux, Iván (1981) Calculation of foil-activation-correction by Monte Carlo method perturbations in fuel-cells with white boundary conditions. KFKI Reports (81-38). MTA KFKI.

Lovas, István and Zimányi, József and Csernai, László Péter and Greiner, Walter (1981) An anisotropic three-fluid model for heavy ion reactions. KFKI Reports (81-39). MTA KFKI.

Iglói, Ferenc and Kollár, János (1981) Generalized cluster expansion for real fluids. KFKI Reports (81-40). MTA KFKI.

Varga, Lajos and Tompa, Kálmán and Schmidt, T. (1981) Thermopower method for chemical composition and inhomogeneity measurements in amorphous Ni-P samples. KFKI Reports (81-42). MTA KFKI.

Siklós, Tivadar (1981) The thermodynamic Green's function method in the self-consistent phonon theory of anharmonic crystals. KFKI Reports (81-43). MTA KFKI.

Gazsó, János (1981) Determination of the density of the localized states from the field effect in wide GAP semiconductors. KFKI Reports (81-44). MTA KFKI.

Banai, Miklós (1981) On a quantization of space-time and the corresponding quantum mechanics. Pt.1. KFKI Reports (81-48). MTA KFKI.

Pekker, Sándor and Jánossy, András (1981) Three dimensionally oriented polyacetylene. KFKI Reports (81-49). MTA KFKI.

Vancsó, G. and Pekker, Sándor and Egyed, O. and Jánossy, András (1981) CIS-TRANS isomerization of polyacetylene induced by mechanical rolling. KFKI Reports (81-50). MTA KFKI.

Schiller, Róbert and Vértes, Ákos and Nyikos, Lajos (1981) Quasi-percolation charge transport in fluctuating systems. KFKI Reports (81-51). MTA KFKI.

Pásztor, Endre and Királyhidi, László and Riedl, Péter (1981) Ion-implanter for bubble memories. KFKI Reports (81-53). MTA KFKI.

Siklós, Tivadar (1981) Model descriptions of ferroelectric phase transitions. KFKI Reports (81-54). MTA KFKI.

Anisovich, V.V. and Nyíri, Júlia (1981) Particle production in high energy collisions and the non-relativistic quark model. KFKI Reports (81-56). MTA KFKI.

Perjés, Zoltán (1981) Tori of colored cubes. KFKI Reports (81-57). MTA KFKI.

Vinokurova, L.I. and Vlasov, A.V. and Kulikov, N.I. and Pardavi-Horváth, Márta (1981) Pressure-induced antiferromagnetism in ferromagnetic Fe(51.5)Rh(48.5) alloys. KFKI Reports (81-58). MTA KFKI.

Hung, Phan Tran and Erő, Jánosné and Szántó, J. (1981) Electric and magnetic properties of n-alkyl-isoquinolinium-TCNQ complex salts. KFKI Reports (81-59). MTA KFKI.

Pajkossy, Tamás (1981) Competition kinetics of photoelectrochemical processes on semiconducting iron oxide electrodes. KFKI Reports (81-60). MTA KFKI.

Makai, Mihály (1981) Calculation of large symmetric cores. KFKI Reports (81-61). MTA KFKI.

Horváth, Zoltán György and Varró, Sándor (1981) Fresnel reflexion halo lasers. KFKI Reports (81-62). MTA KFKI.

Hraskó, Péter (1981) Space-time description of the two-photon decay. KFKI Reports (81-63). MTA KFKI.

Brauer, G. and Kajcsos, Zsolt and Kemény, Tamás (1981) Positron annihilation in metallic glasses - a general survey. KFKI Reports (81-64). MTA KFKI.

Ág, Árpád and Páris, Gyula and Németh, Géza (1981) Time-dependent spheromak model in hall-current approximation. KFKI Reports (81-65). MTA KFKI.

Gribov, Vladimir Naumovich (1981) Anomalies, as a manifestation of the high momentum collective motion in the vacuum. KFKI Reports (81-66). MTA KFKI.

Szépfalusy, Péter and Tél, Tamás (1981) Dynamic renormalization group treatment of a Bose gas model. KFKI Reports (81-67). MTA KFKI.

Biró, Tamás and Zimányi, József (1981) Quarkochemistry in relativistic heavy ion collisions. KFKI Reports (81-69). MTA KFKI.

Woynarovich, Ferenc (1981) On the S(z)=0 excited states of an anisotropic Heisenberg chain. KFKI Reports (81-70). MTA KFKI.

Csillag, László and Jánossy, István and Kitaeva, V.F. and Sobolev, N.N. and Kroó, Norbert (1981) The influence of the finite size of the light spot on the laser induced reorientation of liquid crystals. KFKI Reports (81-71). MTA KFKI.

Sütő, András (1981) Models of superfrustration. KFKI Reports (81-72). MTA KFKI.

Bazsó, E. and Varju, Sz. and Szegő, P. and Rózsa, Károly and Apai, Pál (1981) Inkoherens széles sávú polarizált fény alkalmazása sebgyógyulás elősegítésére. KFKI Reports (81-73). MTA KFKI.

Vass, Szabolcs and Kajcsos, Zsolt and Molnár, Béla and Marczis, László and Stergiopoulos, Christophoros (1981) Micellar effects on positronium lifetime in aqueous SDS solutions. KFKI Reports (81-74). MTA KFKI.

Margaritisz, Tamás and Szegő, Károly (1981) The nucleon form factors in the geometrodynamical model. KFKI Reports (81-76). MTA KFKI.

Lantratova, S.S. and Pesti, G. and Kósa Somogyi, István (1981) Density of plasma-deposited A-Si: H films. KFKI Reports (81-77). MTA KFKI.

Vincze, Imre (1981) Fourier evaluation of broad Mössbauer spectra. KFKI Reports (81-78). MTA KFKI.

Koblinger, László (1981) Poker-Camp: A program for calculating detector responses and phantom organ doses in enviromental gamma fields. KFKI Reports (81-79). MTA KFKI.

Hollós-Nagy, Katalin and Lakos, István and Orosz, Antal (1981) Separation of synaptic junctional complexes from rabbit cerebral cortex. KFKI Reports (81-80). MTA KFKI.

Szuhár, Mihály (1981) Computation of ideal C-V curves for nonuniformly doped MOS structures. KFKI Reports (81-82). MTA KFKI.

Forgács, Péter and Horváth, Zalán and Palla, László (1981) One can have noninteger topological charge. KFKI Reports (81-83). MTA KFKI.

Dubla, László and Kulcsár, Katalin (1981) MORTRAN és RATFOR. KFKI Reports (81-84). MTA KFKI.

Kroó, Norbert and Szentirmay, Zsolt and Félszerfalvi, János (1981) Surface plasmon dispersion relation of gold determined by MOM tunnel structures. KFKI Reports (81-85). MTA KFKI.

Zawadowski, Alfréd (1981) Interaction between electrons and 2-level systems in amorphous metals. KFKI Reports (81-86). MTA KFKI.

Lukács, Béla and Newman, E.T. and Perjés, Zoltán and Porter, J. and Sebestyén, Ákos (1981) Structure of three-twistor particles. KFKI Reports (81-89). MTA KFKI.

Zágoni, Miklós (1982) A VVER-440 típusú atomerőművi reaktorok számítására készült BIPR-5K program ismertetése. KFKI Reports (82-07). MTA KFKI.

Miettinen, Jaakko and Perneczky, László (1982) Módosított szivattyú és gőzfejlesztő modell alkalmazása a Paksi Atomerőmű biztonsági analíziséhez. KFKI Reports (82-09). MTA KFKI.

Dús, Magdolna and Perneczky, László (1982) A STESTA/KFKI program és alkalmazása a Paksi Atomerőmű primer hűtőkörére. KFKI Reports (82-10). MTA KFKI.

Ézsöl, György and Maróti, László and Perneczky, László and Szabados, László and Tóth, Iván and Trosztel, István (1982) Balesethez vezető üzemzavari állapotok vizsgálata a Paksi Atomerőmű balesetelhárítási intézkedési tervének (BEIT) elkészítéséhez. KFKI Reports (82-11). MTA KFKI.

Gellai, Borbála (1982) Determination of molecular symmetry coordinates using circulant matrices. KFKI Reports (82-112). MTA KFKI.

Benedek, S. and Gadó, János and Perneczky, László (1982) A Paksi Atomerőmű biztonsági analíziséhez használt számítógépi programok áttekintése. KFKI Reports (82-12). MTA KFKI.

Perneczky, László and Vigassy, József (1982) Hidegütés és szabályzó köteg kilökődés. I.rész. KFKI Reports (82-13). MTA KFKI.

Szabados, László (1982) A PMK-NVH berendezés. KFKI Reports (82-14). MTA KFKI.

Griffit, Kh. and Nagy, Á.Z. and Zemplén-Papp, Éva and Bakos, László (1982) Primenenie nejtronnogo generatora dlja opredelenija soderzhanija fosfora v steklovidnykh metallakh. KFKI Reports (82-15). MTA KFKI.

Vajda, Ferenc (1982) Recent developments in the applications of microprogramming. KFKI Reports (82-18). MTA KFKI.

Pintér, S. and Grigorieva, V.P. and Kecskeméty, Károly and Kudela, K. (1982) Observation of solar radio bursts of type II and III at kilometer wavelengths from Prognoz-8 during stip interval XII. KFKI Reports (82-20). MTA KFKI.

Gladkih, Irina and Zimányi, Magdolna (1982) FORMAC programozási nyelv matematikai kifejezések szimbolikus kezelésére. KFKI Reports (82-24). MTA KFKI.

Bakonyi, Imre (1982) Amorphous alloys bibliography, 1976-1981. KFKI Reports (82-28). MTA KFKI.

Hajtó, János and Jánossy, István and Forgács, Gábor (1982) Laser induced optical anisotropy in self supporting amorphous GeSe(2) films. KFKI Reports (82-29). MTA KFKI.

Forgács, Péter and Horváth, Zalán and Palla, László (1982) On the linearization of source free gauge field equations. KFKI Reports (82-30). MTA KFKI.

Csernai, László Péter (1982) Fragment emission in relativistic heavy-ion reactions. KFKI Reports (82-31). MTA KFKI.

Gránásy, László and Kemény, Tamás (1982) Comment on the Kavesh's model of ribbon formation during melt-spinning. KFKI Reports (82-32). MTA KFKI.

Perneczky, László (1982) A RELAP4 program alkalmazásának néhány kérdése. KFKI Reports (82-40). MTA KFKI.

Takács, László and Hargitai, Csaba (1982) Hyperfine fields and local environment in iron-boron metallic glasses. KFKI Reports (82-46). MTA KFKI.

Szatmáry, Zoltán (1982) A VVER-440 típusú atomerőművek neutronfizikai üzemviteli adatainak a rendszere, az RFIT-ed program. KFKI Reports (82-70). MTA KFKI.

Gossányi, András and Párkányi, T. and Szabó, G. and Végh, Endre (1982) Error diagnostics and recovery procedure in a dual-processor computer system. KFKI Reports (82-71). MTA KFKI.

Hiltunen, E. and Takács, László (1982) Crystallization of Fe-P amorphous alloys as studied by EDXD method. KFKI Reports (82-73). MTA KFKI.

Sütő, András and Yalcin, T. and Gruber, C. (1982) A probabilistic approach to the models of spin glasses. KFKI Reports (82-83). MTA KFKI.

Rózsa, Károly and Rubin, György and Jánossy, Mihály and Apai, Pál and Kan-Ichi, Fujii (1982) On the glow-to-arc transition in high current al hollow cathode discharges. KFKI Reports (82-97). MTA KFKI.

Péter, Attila and Geréb, János and Lafranco, Gábor and Pallagi, Dezső and Pellionisz, Péter (1983) Instrumentális bázis kiépítése sokcsatornás akusztikus emissziós vizsgálatok előkészítésére. KFKI Reports (83-04). MTA KFKI.

Schiller, Róbert (1983) A derivation of entropy of mixing. KFKI Reports (83-10). MTA KFKI.

Végh, János and Vidovszky, István (1983) Szerkezeti anyagok sugárkárosodási vizsgálataihoz kapcsolódó neutrondozimetria. KFKI Reports (83-101). MTA KFKI.

Czibók, Tamás and Izsák, Éva and Pór, Gábor and Valkó, János (1983) Kutatási jelentés a Paksi Atomerőmű I. sz. blokkjának indítása alatt elvégzett zajdiagnosztikai mérésekről. KFKI Reports (83-113). MTA KFKI.

Pór, Gábor and Izsák, Éva and Valkó, János (1983) A Paksi Atomerőmű I. blokkja energetikai indítása idején, a különböző teljesítményszinteken mért zóna zajdiagnosztikai jelek összehasonlítása. KFKI Reports (83-114). MTA KFKI.

Izsák, Éva and Pór, Gábor and Valkó, János (1983) A felmelegítés hatásának vizsgálata a nyomásfluktuációk spektrumaiban. KFKI Reports (83-119). MTA KFKI.

Valkó, János and Glowacz, Miklós (1983) A zaj analizáló rendszer továbbfejlesztése: a figura programrendszer. KFKI Reports (83-122). MTA KFKI.

Gadó, János and Maróti, László and Perneczky, László and Zágoni, Miklós (1983) Biztonsági tényezők meghatározása a BIPR-5TH programmal. KFKI Reports (83-125). MTA KFKI.

Szabados, László and Trosztel, István and Perneczky, László and Vértes, Péter (1983) A CONTEMPT programcsalád alkalmazási lehetőségeinek vizsgálata a Paksi Atomerőműben. KFKI Reports (83-13). MTA KFKI.

Gadó, János and Maróti, László (1983) A BIPR program termohidraulikai részének bővítése. KFKI Reports (83-14). MTA KFKI.

Szabados, László (1983) A PMK-NVH berendezés létesítéséhez kapcsolódó kutatások. KFKI Reports (83-15). MTA KFKI.

Vigassy, József (1983) A xenon folyamatok vizsgálata a reaktorbiztonság szempontjából. KFKI Reports (83-16). MTA KFKI.

Dus, Magdolna and Perneczky, László and Szabados, László (1983) Az SSYST-2 programrendszer honosítási eredményei. KFKI Reports (83-17). MTA KFKI.

Szatmáry, Zoltán (1983) Az RFIT-ED program és az atomerőművi üzemviteli adatkönyvtár továbbfejlesztése. KFKI Reports (83-18). MTA KFKI.

Perneczky, László and Tóth, Iván and Szabados, László and Bandurski, Thomas (1983) A RELAP4 különböző változatainak alkalmazása a Paksi Atomerőműre. KFKI Reports (83-19). MTA KFKI.

Csom, Vérbulcsu and Maróti, László and Szabados, László and Windberg, Péter (1983) A PMK-NVH berendezés beruházásának helyzete. KFKI Reports (83-20). MTA KFKI.

Zhidkov, E.P. and Németh, Géza, eds. (1983) Algoritmy i programmy dlja reshenija nekotorykh zadach fiziki. 4. vyp. KFKI Reports (83-21). MTA KFKI.

Galeev, A.A. and Cravens, T.E. and Gombosi, Tamás (1983) Solar wind stagnation near comets. KFKI Reports (83-28). MTA KFKI.

Hegyháti, Magdolna M. (1983) Acetylcholine as a possible digital element in the nervous system activity. KFKI Reports (83-29). MTA KFKI.

Cser, József (1983) Program dokumentáció az Almásfüzitői Timföldgyár mérő adatgyűjtő, folyamatirányító rendszeréhez. KFKI Reports (83-35). MTA KFKI.

Pázsit, Imre, ed. (1983) Progress report. KFKI Reports (83-40). MTA KFKI.

Diósi, Lajos and Forgács, Gábor and Lukács, Béla and Frisch, H.L. (1983) Metricization of thermodynamic state space and the renormalization group. KFKI Reports (83-53). MTA KFKI.

Panissod, P. and Bakonyi, Imre and Hasegawa, R. (1983) Local boron environment in Ni(100-x)B(x) metallic glasses: A NMR study. KFKI Reports (83-57). MTA KFKI.

Nagy, Ágnes G. (1983) Substituent effect in ketoferrocenes. KFKI Reports (83-69). MTA KFKI.

Egely, György (1983) Bubble growth in variable pressure fields. KFKI Reports (83-72). MTA KFKI.

Lukács, Béla and Csernai, László Péter (1983) Probing phase transitions via energetic nuclear collisions. KFKI Reports (83-76). MTA KFKI.

Diósi, Lajos and Keszthelyi, Bettina and Lukács, Béla and Paál, G. (1983) Viscosity and the monopole density of the Universe. KFKI Reports (83-77). MTA KFKI.

Illy, Hédi (1983) Recent bibliography on analytical and sampling problems of a PWR primary coolant. Suppl.II. KFKI Reports (83-81). MTA KFKI.

Padányi, Zoltán and Stéger, Zoltán (1983) DISCON: szoftver eszköz irányítástechnikai rendszerek képernyőorientált felügyeletére. KFKI Reports (83-89). MTA KFKI.

Harangozó, József and Ecsedi-Tóth, Péter and Tőke, Pál (1983) New results on computer communication. 2. KFKI Reports (83-98). MTA KFKI.

Potocky, László and Kovac, J. and Novák, Lajos and Kisdiné Koszó, Éva and Lovas, Antal (1984) Magnetic behaviour of iron-holmium-boron metallic glasses. KFKI Reports (84-109). MTA KFKI.

Dús, Magdolna and Ézsöl, György and Perneczky, László and Szabados, László (1984) Az SSYST programrendszer alkalmazási tapasztalatai. KFKI Reports (84-11). MTA KFKI.

Szőke, József (1984) Konvencionális mérésadatgyűjtő kétcsatornás mérőberendezéshez. KFKI Reports (84-114). MTA KFKI.

Egeli, György (1984) Kritikus kiömlési modellek és a gőz-szeparáció problémái. KFKI Reports (84-12). MTA KFKI.

Pázsit, Imre (1984) A stochastic approach to stationary two-phase flow. KFKI Reports (84-121). MTA KFKI.

Bencze, Gyula (1984) On the treatment of exchange effects in direct reactions. KFKI Reports (84-122). MTA KFKI.

Vladár, Károly and Zimányi, Gergely (1984) Electron-localization effects on impurity dynamics. 2. KFKI Reports (84-124). MTA KFKI.

Virosztek, Attila (1984) Variational method for 1-d spin chains. KFKI Reports (84-125). MTA KFKI.

Iglói, Ferenc (1984) Hamiltonian studies of the two dimensional n-component cubic model 1. KFKI Reports (84-128). MTA KFKI.

Iglói, Ferenc (1984) Hamiltonian studies of the two dimensional n-component cubic model. 2. KFKI Reports (84-129). MTA KFKI.

Perneczky, László and Szabados, László and Tóth, Iván (1984) A RELAP4/mod6 program alkalmazása a Paksi Atomerőműre, beleértve a mod6 és SSYST-2 együttes alkalmazását. KFKI Reports (84-13). MTA KFKI.

Egeli, György and Dús, Magdolna and Perneczky, László and Szabados, László (1984) A CONTEMPT-LT/026 és TRACO-V kódok összehasonlító vizsgálata. KFKI Reports (84-14). MTA KFKI.

Perneczky, László and Szabados, László and Tóth, Iván (1984) Különböző kis folyásos üzemzavari állapotok vizsgálata. KFKI Reports (84-15). MTA KFKI.

Szabó, Péter Pál and Pálfalvi, József (1984) Termolumineszcens detektorok gyorsneutron érzékenységének vizsgálata. KFKI Reports (84-36). MTA KFKI.

Zombori, Péter and Németh, István and Andrási, Andor and Germán, Endre and Kemenes, László (1984) Környezeti dózisintenzitás helyszíni meghatározása Ge(Li)-spektrometriával. KFKI Reports (84-38). MTA KFKI.

Deme, Sándor and Fehér, István and Láng, Edit and Rónaky, József (1984) A kar adatszalagok feldolgozása a nemesgázcsóva GM-detektorral való kimutatására. KFKI Reports (84-40). MTA KFKI.

Csőke, Antal and Prohászkáné Longer, Gizella and Nagy, Árpád (1984) Teljesértékű keveréktakarmányok és tápkoncentrátumok sótartalmának új módszerű meghatározása. KFKI Reports (84-42). MTA KFKI.

Pór, Gábor and Izsák, Éva and Glokler, O. (1984) Izmerenie vlijanija kipenija na spektr nejtronnykh shumov v reaktore pod davleniem. KFKI Reports (84-48). MTA KFKI.

Nagy, György and Deme, Sándor (1984) NaI/Tl/ detektor alkalmazása a radioaktív nemesgázcsóva kimutatására. KFKI Reports (84-49). MTA KFKI.

Németh, Géza and Páris, Gyula (1984) The Gibbs phenomenon in generalized Padé approximation. KFKI Reports (84-50). MTA KFKI.

Tóth, Kálmán and Szegő, Károly and Margaritisz, Tamás (1984) Radiative corrections for semileptonic decays of hyperons: The "model independent" part. KFKI Reports (84-51). MTA KFKI.

Gránásy, László and Mészáros, György (1984) Models for continuos casting of metallic glass ribbons. KFKI Reports (84-60). MTA KFKI.

Mészáros, Attila (1984) On the identification of gravitation with the massles spin 2 field. KFKI Reports (84-62). MTA KFKI.

Mészáros, Attila (1984) A finite quantum gravity. KFKI Reports (84-63). MTA KFKI.

Mészáros, Attila (1984) On the Einstein-Cartan's theory of gravitation. KFKI Reports (84-64). MTA KFKI.

Sütő, András and Zimányi, Gergely (1984) On the validity of the replica method and application to ising chain in random field. KFKI Reports (84-66). MTA KFKI.

Szegi, Zsuzsa (1984) Computerized operational manual (COM) of nuclear power plants. KFKI Reports (84-68). MTA KFKI.

Mészáros, Attila (1984) Gupta-Bleuer quantisation of the free massless spin 2 field. KFKI Reports (84-70). MTA KFKI.

Diósi, Lajos and Lukács, Béla (1984) Covariant evolution equation formalism for the thermodynamic fluctuations. KFKI Reports (84-72). MTA KFKI.

Szőke, József (1984) Some remarks on the evaluation of the convolutionally distorted decay curves. KFKI Reports (84-90). MTA KFKI.

Lukács, Béla and Martinás, Katalin and Pacher, T. (1985) Extended thermodynamics in the early Universe. KFKI Reports (85-03). MTA KFKI.

Martin, A. and Szőke, József (1985) Molecules in molecules (MIM) elektronszínkép számító program. KFKI Reports (85-101). MTA KFKI.

Tóth, Iván and Bandurski, Thomas and Perneczky, László and Szabados, László (1985) Kísérlet-előkészítő számítások a PMK-NVH berendezésre. KFKI Reports (85-13). MTA KFKI.

Urbán, János (1985) Számítógéppel vezérelt egésztest scanner mérésvezérlő és adatforgalmi szoftverjének fejlesztése. KFKI Reports (85-16). MTA KFKI.

Vasáros, László and Berei, Klára (1985) General properties of astatine. KFKI Reports (85-25). MTA KFKI.

Iglói, Ferenc and Vanderzande, C. (1985) Renormalization group study of the Hamiltonian version of the Potts model. IV. First order transition without discontinuity fixed point in three dimensions. KFKI Reports (85-31). MTA KFKI.

Pálfalvi, József (1985) Neutron spektrum és dóziseloszlás vizsgálatok számítással és méréssel elliptikus fantomban néhány radioaktív neutron forrásra és egy nehézvízzel moderált kritikus rendszerre. KFKI Reports (85-32). MTA KFKI.

Pálfalvi, József and Horváth, E. (1985) (n, alpha) magreakción alapuló szilárdtest nyomdetektorokból felépített személyi albedo neutron doziméter hitelesítése fantomon különféle neutronforrások felhasználásával. KFKI Reports (85-33). MTA KFKI.

Izsák, Éva and Pór, Gábor and Valkó, János (1985) A PAE 1. blokkján 1984-ben, stacionárius üzemállapotokban elvégzett reaktor zajdiagnosztikai mérésekről. KFKI Reports (85-34). MTA KFKI.

Meskó, László and Glöckler, Oszkár (1985) Az erőművi mérések interpretációját segítő elméleti reaktordiagnosztikai kutatásokról az 1984. évben. KFKI Reports (85-38). MTA KFKI.

Éber, Nándor and Jákli, Antal (1985) A continuum theory of chiral smectics C*. Pt.I. Electro- and thermodynamics of polarized media. KFKI Reports (85-40). MTA KFKI.

Borbély, Imre and Lukács, Béla (1985) The deviation functional of phoneme recognition. KFKI Reports (85-42). MTA KFKI.

Iglói, Ferenc and Kapor, D.V. and Skrinjar, M. and Sólyom, Jenő (1985) Series expansion study of first- and second-order phase transitions in a model with multispin coupling. KFKI Reports (85-52). MTA KFKI.

Praveczki, Endre (1985) Critical behaviour of the 2D Heisenberg model. II. Critical exponents from series expansions. KFKI Reports (85-53). MTA KFKI.

Lukács, Béla and Pacher, T. (1985) Cosmology and the large mass problem of the Kaluza-Klein theory. KFKI Reports (85-74). MTA KFKI.

Djotyan, G.P. and Bakos, J.S. and Juhász, T. (1985) Generation of frequency tuned picosecond pulses by four-wave mixing. KFKI Reports (85-76). MTA KFKI.

Huszár, Miklós (1985) Addition theorems for the spherical functions of the Lorentz group. KFKI Reports (85-78). MTA KFKI.

Lukács, B. and Bérczi, Sz. and Molnár, I. and Paál, G., eds. (1990) Evolution: From cosmogenesis to biogenesis. KFKI Reports (90-50C). MTA KFKI, Budapest.

Török, K. and Bérczi, Szaniszló and Lukács, Béla, eds. (1993) Carpathian Basin: Evolutionary stages. KFKI Reports (93-21C). MTA KFKI, Budapest.

Lukács, B. and Kubovics, I. and Stegena, L. and Bérczi, Sz., eds. (1994) Evolution of extraterrestrial materials and structures. KFKI Reports (94-22C). MTA KFKI, Budapest.

Detre, Csaba and Bérczi, Szaniszló and Lukács, Béla, eds. (1996) Proceedings of the international meeting Spherules and Global Events. KFKI Reports (96-05C). MTA KFKI, Budapest.

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