A huszonegyedik század anyagai: az intelligens anyagok | Materials of the 21st Century: Intelligent Materials

Zrínyi, Miklós (2003) A huszonegyedik század anyagai: az intelligens anyagok | Materials of the 21st Century: Intelligent Materials. In: Mindentudás Egyeteme. Mindentudás Egyeteme, 1 . Kossuth Kiadó, Budapest, pp. 255-270. ISBN 963 09 45 00 2

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Materials of surprising behavior were the main attractions of the scientific show of Miklós Zrínyi, professor of chemistry, when he introduced intelligent materials to the audience. The title of the lecture, Intelligent materials, may sound strange, although one of the meanings of the word intelligent is “adaptability to new situations”. In this sense, we can speak about intelligent materials. This term lends its name to a new branch of material science, which aims to examine and make use of the active relationship of material to its immediate environment, similar to living systems. The main priority of this branch of science is to produce and analyze such synthetic materials that advantageously react to their environment.

Item Type: Book Section
Subjects: Q Science / természettudomány > QD Chemistry / kémia
Depositing User: xBálint xEszter
Date Deposited: 12 Aug 2014 12:26
Last Modified: 12 Aug 2014 12:26

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